55 Awesome Daily Habits that Will Improve Your Life

Our daily habits are so important! They shape our lives in literally every area. Do you feel like you aren’t productive? Are you struggling to reach your goals? Is your home chaotic when you’d like it to be peaceful? Could your health be better? Look at your daily habits. Good habits make life easy and more productive, while bad habits make life difficult and messy. I’ve found that gradually changing my daily habits has made life so much better, so today I’m sharing 55 awesome daily habits to improve your life.

You don’t have to change all your habits at once!

It’s really tempting to declare that you’re going to adopt all of these habits right now and become a changed person in a day. However, that’s not quite how it works. In fact that’s an almost guaranteed way to sabotage yourself. In the age of free 2 day shipping, food delivery, wifi everywhere, instant access, go go go we’re become accustom to instant gratification. So it makes sense that we expect to change ourselves in an instant, but humans are too complicated for that.

Why are habits hard to quit or create?

We’ve all got ingrained beliefs, thought patterns, behaviors, habits, quirks, etc buried deep in our brains. Once your brain creates neural pathways to make repeated behaviors or beliefs automatic, oh baby it does NOT want to let go! That’s why it’s so much easier to go sit on the sofa when you get home from work instead of putting on your running shoes. You aren’t lazy, your brain is just used to certain behavior. Your brain is like a naughty puppy, it takes time, patience, and positive reinforcement to train!

The good news is that you can reprogram your brain to create new neural pathways for healthy habits, and at the same time redirect it from old pathways you may want to quit.

So how do you start a new habit?

I’ve written about How to Create Habits and Achieve Your Goals and How to Change Your Limiting Beliefs if you want to read more about that. There is a lot of helpful information there on changing your thought process and using daily habits to improve your life so you really should check them out!

In short though, ideally you should focus on just 1-3 habits that you’ll work on at once. Habits are created through repetition and consistency, so you should pick a few that are realistic for your lifestyle. Set yourself up for success.

The most important factor is remembering to do your chosen behavior. I’ve found having a habit tracker is the best way to be reminded to do a task. Think of them like a game or competition with yourself. I like to print them out and tape it onto the closet door to be checked off every day. You might put yours next to your desk or on your fridge.

55 Healthy Habits to Improve Your Life

  •     Take daily walks.
  •     Make your bed every morning.
  •     Fold laundry as you take it out of the dryer.
  •     Lay out school/work/gym clothes the night before.
  •     Wake up early.
  •     Keep up with the news (I like the Washington Post app).
  •     Journal daily.
  •     Write or think of 5 things you’re grateful each morning or before bed.
  •     Meditate daily (I love the Calm app).
  •     Exercise 3-5 days a week. – Best Affordable Home Gym Equipment
  •     Write down & look at your To Do list daily.
  •     Say “good morning” to people with a smile.
  •     Do a 10-20 minute clean up before bed.
  •     Wear SPF every day.
  •     Eat without looking at your computer or phone.
  •     Say no to things you don’t want to do.
  •     Clean as you go.
  •     Stretch or do yoga before bed.
  •     Take vitamins.
  •     Turn negative thoughts into positive ones. – How to Stop Negative Thinking
  •     Wash your face morning and night.
  •     Focus on one thing at a time.
  •     Keep a notebook nearby for your ideas and thoughts.
  •     Immediately put dirty clothes in the hamper and clean clothes in the closet or dresser.
  •     Give out complements generously.
  •     Have a playlist of songs that make you happy.
  •     Be polite to service workers (waiters, cashiers, etc).
  •     Stand up straight!
  •     Have a designated space for everything in your home.
  •     Develop a Productive Sunday Routine.
  •     Assume most people are doing the best they can with the tools they have.
  •     Clean your makeup brushes and sponges once a week.
  •     Open your windows and doors when the weather is nice.
  •     Do the dishes after dinner.
  •     Close your eyes and take five slow deep breathes when you’re feeling stressed out.
  •     Listen to educational or uplifting podcasts while cleaning or driving.
  •     Establish healthy boundaries with people in your life.
  •     Write positive affirmations on Post-Its and put them around your house.
  •     Put plants and flowers around your house (fake ones are ok!)
  •     Create visual ques for your goals. – How to Achieve Your Goals by Changing Your Environment
  •     Always have healthy snacks available (fruits, veggies, nuts).
  •     Have treats in moderation.
  •     Schedule play or relaxing time every day.
  •     Look for solutions to problems instead of getting frustrated.
  •     Visualize your desires like they’re already yours before falling asleep.
  •     Go to bed early.
  •     Open your curtains let the sunlight in.
  •     Open your mail and recycle it as soon as it comes in.
  •     Have a creative hobby.
  •     Practice self care daily. – 25 Self Care Ideas for When You’re Stressed Out
  •     Take the stairs.
  •     Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up.
  •     Tidy up your workspace before you leave it.
  •     Exercise your brain with puzzles, crosswords, or educational games.
  •     Read a chapter of a personal growth book daily. – 9 Best Self Help Books for Personal Development

That’s it my friend! I hope you liked some of these ideas and will try them out! I promise these daily habits will improve your life if you gradually integrate them a few at a time!

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