Used Tea Bags to Completely Get Rid Of Spiders, Mice and Bed Bugs

You don’t need to have arachnophobia to be uncomfortable with spiders. I would certainly be unhappy with a spider lurking around my bed or dwelling in my shoe! Not only that, but these low IQs may also even crawl into a person’s ear. So there can be tens of reasons why you won’t welcome spiders into your life.

And what about the mice! While for many they may not look as creepy as spiders do, they still spread a host of disease. Mice spread diseases through their urine, saliva, and droppings, even their nesting materials are considered unhealthy. Diseases like hantavirus, salmonellosis, and listeria can be caused by these uninvited guests.

Natural way to repel mice and spiders

Instead of using dangerous chemicals, sprays and mouse traps, why not go all natural. This simple and natural method is both clean and almost free of cost. What you just need is peppermint tea bags, more precisely, freshly used tea bags.

What to do exactly?

Here is what you have to do:

  1. Boil a pot of peppermint tea.
  2. Once boiled, of course, enjoy a cup of tea yourself.
  3. Take the tea bags and spread them around your house. Be generous to the places where those uninvited guests are suspected.
  4. In the next 2-3 days, your house will be free from spiders and mice.

Not only you keep mice and spiders away using this method, but your house also smells wonderful and you end up taking peppermint tea which is good for health.

Keep in mind that peppermint tea doesn’t kill any mice or spiders, it repels them instead. This method is good to make your house a no-go area for them. But, if you have a mouse or a spider already staying at your home, while there is a chance that the pests would love to leave your home, they may also prefer to stay somewhere in a corner. Don’t expect a poor tea bag to chase them out into the wild.

Go all digital instead! Use Ultrasonic Insect repellents

Ultrasonic insect repellents are a clean, cheap and risk-free way to repel most of the insects and small rodents. Other then bedbugs where the Ultrasonic repellent got competing reviews from users, the ultrasonic repellent seems to be working for people, I can’t say anything for certain though. Maybe try yourself and see how that goes for you. You can order the celebrated

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