15 Signs He Loves You More Than You Think He Does!

So you have a crush on someone and you feel like this guy likes you but you’re still unsure?

Most of us girls have at one point or the other wondered if our man really loves us. They just don’t show it! Kind of makes you wonder if their emotions for you are less intense than yours for them, or if they’re really into you? Or maybe they’re just wired that way? Maybe they really do suck at displaying their emotions? Hmm…

Well, luckily for you, you don’t have to spend even a second pondering on those questions anymore! You see, men may not say it out in words, but their actions speak way louder. And if you pay attention to them, you can know for sure that your man loves you more than you think! Here are 15 Signs He Loves You More Than You Think He Does:

1-He makes you laugh:

A good way to your girl’s heart is through laughter if he can make you smile laugh and be happy at the same time you know he’s trying to charm you through his humor a lot of people like to be happy and be laughing it lightens up the mood and makes it person more attractive if he is constantly bringing you laughter into your life you know he’s trying the very best to woo you.

2- Watch his body language:

This is one of those things that would betray him even if he likes you but can’t come out and confess it his body language will reveal how he feels about you deep down inside if you suspect that a guy likes you then pay attention to his body when he is with you, body language has been proven scientifically to communicate attraction pay attention to how his body is positioned, does he lean in towards you when he talks? are his feet pointing towards you? does he near you? these are all positive signs that he is interested in you!, Click next to see the rest of the article.

3- He introduces you to his friends:

If he didn’t like you he wouldn’t invite you to places or hang out with his friends but if he does he has a huge crush on you and want to see if you get along with them the reason for doing this is so you guys can both create memorable experiences together and if you both are into parties you know for sure he’ll ask you to come along on the next one.

4- Watch his friends closely:

Some guys could spend a lot of time talking about girls and therefore you can be sure that if he likes you his friends might know whenever you are close to him and his friends pay attention to what his friends are doing they may excuse themselves just to give you some alone time or just start making seto jokes and make fun of him, watch of his friends smile when you approach the group or if they start teasing him afterwards if they do then it’s a good indicator that he likes you, Click next to see the rest of the article.

5- He makes eye contact:

This is another telltale sign that he likes you, if a man likes you, he will maintain and lock eye contact with you when you are talking his eyebrows may be lifted and his eyes will be dilated! here’s something interesting if you catch him staring on your mouth he may be romantically into you or you just have something in your teeth so pay attention to his eyes and see if they are on you or always wandering around.

6-He has endless questions for you:

If a guy has questions after questions then that’s a strong indicator that he likes you he wants to know everything about you from how you were as a kid to what kind of weird talents you have one major giveaway question he can ask is do you have a boyfriend if he is not interested in you he will definitely not care and won’t ask that question in addition he wants to keep the conversation going with you because he doesn’t want to lose you at the same time if he finds out that you have similar interests as him he will dive deeper into it and share some of his experiences with you as well, Click next to see the rest of the article.

7- He gets nervous:

The reality is that if you get nervous he’s probably nervous as well if he likes you he may act nervous however nervousness can be portrayed differently by different people some can talk super fast while others lack words to say also observe if his hands are shaking or if he’s stuttering before writing him off as not interested just realize that whatever he’s doing it right now are symptoms of nervousness.

8- He starts to share similar interests as you:

In order to get your attention, he can adopt the things you like and do the things you do the best way to do that is to get to know your interests and hobbies if you notice all of a sudden he starts to watch your favorite TV show or listen to your favorite songs then you know that he’s doing that so he can later use it in a conversation with you and the best way, of course, to connect with is through common interests, Click next to see the rest of the article.

9- He spends a lot of time with you:

Most guys like their space and want to spend a time with their friends play their games or watch their sports if you notice that he’s giving up his friends just to spend time with you then he must be attracted to you next time you can test it out to see if it’s true call him for a walk and when you think there’s a football or a basketball game he likes to watch and if he’s willing to ditch the game to hang out with you then you can be sure he likes you, Click next to see the rest of the article.

10- He treats you differently:

When a guy likes you he will treat you differently he may also be acting differently towards you especially in a group setting if he starts getting protective or just supporting you overall then there’s a huge chance that he likes you another thing to check is how he behaves with other girls do you see him flirting with other girls or do you see the same support and attention he gives them if not that he is most likely only interested in you, Click next to see the rest of the article.

11- He gives you gifts:

It’s not about the size or value of the gift that matters it’s about how thoughtful the gift is if there was this one time you told him you liked a particular pin at the store and a few days later he surprises you with that pin then you could probably assume that he’s very thoughtful and kind but of course only towards you because he likes you.

12- He compliments you often:

A guy who is interested in you will at all cost try to compliment you and make you feel special and warm if you change anything about your hairstyle or clothing you will notice it and let you know that you wear it the best if he wasn’t interested in you he won’t try to overload you with compliments and pay attention to you overall if he gives you compliments about your inner beauty then you know for sure he’s not just looking for a fling, Click next to see the rest of the article.

13- He follows you and chats with you on social media:

If you notice that he’s always there on social media whether it’s texting you liking your posts or comedy in all your photos then it’s a good indicator that he likes you connecting with someone on social media is easy and stress-free this is probably a preferred method for shy guys to open up to you but at the same time if a guy is persistent and tries to communicate with you even when he’s not there in person then he’s really giving up some of his time for you and so he can’t have a relationship with you in the future, Click next to see the rest of the article.

14- He smiles a lot with you:

Smiling is a good used to attract people to like you he does it a lot around you so he can’t hope to attract you towards him so next time you are with him notice how often he smiles also get a closer look at his smile is it genuine? does his face light up overall? do his cheeks go up and his eyes crease? you’ll notice that it’ll be a genuine smile if these signs are present, Click next to see the rest of the article.

15- He doesn’t use his phone around you:

Nowadays we feel like we are married to our phones it’s with us wherever we go and when we need it it’s there but notice when you guys are hanging out you rarely use his phone this means he enjoys spending quality time with you and is actively paying attention to you using the phone while you’re talking is disrespectful, to begin with so he understands that and wants to respect you.

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