Essential Oils for Warts Tea Tree, Oregano & Frankincense for removal

Essential Oils for Warts: Let’s find a DIY wart removal using essntial oils to seep into the skin for an effective treatment to kill the virus. We’ll use a combination of tea tree, oregano, apple cider vinegar and more to get it off!

Warts.  They are so nasty.  And that’s coming from someone who’s seen a lot of nasties in her 19 years as a nurse.  But, when my son came to me with a “big lump” on his toe I was totally grossed out.

Did he touch a frog, or did a witch kiss him?  Either way I knew that it would be super pricey to go to the doctor and get it removed (we have a super high deductible).  I started to mull over some natural wart remedies.  And by jove, I found one that did it!

Wart Removal with Essential Oils

What are warts?

Warts are an infection of the top layer of the skin by a virus from the HPV family.  It usually gets in through a small scratch.

HPV is everywhere, so it’s easy to come into contact with, and most people will get at least one common wart.

That means we need an anti-viral, or antimicrobial in order to kill the virus.

Warts on your hands and feet are different than genital warts, but we don’t want to follow me down that wormhole.

BTW, if you’re looking to START with essential oils, I love this kit.  It may seem pricey but it includes all the stuff you’re going to want to try out to start!  You can see me talk about it here. Essential oils have been used for centuries and can treat a variety of conditions, and have benefits for skin, hair, and more!

Back to the removal….

Natural Wart Remedy

So, in my searching on the internet, I found a few things that might help with the wart removal.  I used a combination, as it was on his foot (and totally grossing me out).

Keep in mind that these treatments (especially the oils) might burn a bit.

ALSO, these remedies should only be used on the hands and feet.  Any more sensitive skin and you could have a pretty serious reaction.  Also, not meant for genital warts.  Yes, I did just say that.

Be sure to take the advice of your doctor over any advice here at Pulling Curls.  You take your own responsibility by using a tool, like essential oils and this remedy.  Please contact a doctor if you feel like the treatment isn’t working or harming your skin.

Essential Oils for Warts
I made a mixture of oils (I used an old oil bottle to put this all in):

BTW, I’m not a fan of having to buy essential oils through a MLM (looking at you Doterra)– I have found Rocky Mountain Oils and I think their oils work just as good (if not better) and I can order them quickly online.

Oregano Oil (this is the one that would burn — it’s a hot oil!) 1 drop
Tea Tree Oil (melaleuca oil) 5 drops
Lavender Oil 5 drops
Frankincense 1 drop because this oil is pricey!
Let’s talk about what each of those do for warts:

Essential Oils as Effective Treatment for Warts:

  • Oregano Oil
  • This is a HOT oil, and has a lot of antibacterial/antiviral/anti-all-things properties. I think it kills the virus that got you there in the first place.

Tea Tree Oil

This one also has a lot of anti-viral/bacterial properties. It’s a great one for lots of different things (we’ve also used it with lice and ringworm at our house…. which is apparently full of disgusting children). This oil is not AS hot as Oregano, but I still encourage you to be careful with it!

Lavender Oil

This is an anti-inflammatory. As the HPV gets into the skin it is causing an inflammatory reaction. Also, as you kill the wart it can cause inflammation. Lavender helps quell all of that. 🙂

Frankincense Oil

As far as I have read, Frankincense just often makes all other oils work better. So, it just heightens all the regular properties it has. We’ve used this one for a lot of things, including scorpion stings

I did 1-5 of all of those (as noted) into about 1 tbsp of coconut oil (you could also use olive oil — this is a carrier oil as it’s an oil that dilutes the essential oils) and shook them up (you would not want to put straight Oregano on your skin, it would BURN!).

Take a Q-tip and get a few drops of that concoction and smear it all over the wart.

After that, take about 1/4 of a cotton ball and soak it in apple cider vinegar, tape a bandaid over that and leave it on overnight.

In the morning take the cotton ball off, smear more oil on it and leave open to the air.

Now, I pretty much just left my teenage son to work on this on his own.  I asked him to do the oils morning and night and be sure to do the apple cider vinegar at night.  By 10 days the thing fell off and his skin looked good as new (before that it turned brown and looked extra gross).  He said he did it daily (but I doubt it).

Frankly, no one was as surprised as me that it worked.

Since then, we’ve tried this method on a couple weird spots my husband had (they looked sort of wart-ish) and when he sticks with it, it helps a lot!

Duct Tape for Warts

I’ve seen a lot of people recommending duct tape for warts. I think it’s just a way to get the vinegar and essential oils to stay on the warts (rather than coming off). Almost like a very sticky bandaid!

Why don’t people use essential oils for warts?

I think a lot of people are afraid to try a home remedy because of a few reasons:

  •  It hurts — in fact, it also hurts at the doctor’s office — they either burn the wart off, cut it off or freeze it off.  They don’t have magic (the might put some Emla cream on it initially, but it’s not fun afterward either — I think, in general, this one hurts a LOT less).
  • It might not work — in fact, it often doesn’t work in the doctor’s office.  People would have to come back a few times to get warts frozen.
  • They don’t want to do it on their own — and say put your big girl panties on and give it a try.

Essential oils can be SO useful!  I would totally recommend getting a set.  I have a whole post about the other essential oils that I love (and don’t love).

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