If You Have These 12 Characteristics, You May Belong To The World’s Rarest Personality Type

Are you someone who always feels out of place or feels like the odd one out in your group? Do you feel very often that this is perhaps not where you should be or ought to be doing, and that you are very different from your gang of friends? Don’t worry. It doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you, or that you are doing something wrong. It just means that you have a rare personality type.

According to theories formulated by renowned psychoanalyst Carl Jung, a system called the ‘Myers and Briggs system’ was created, which helps in classifying people into four broad personality types (1). According to this system, each personality is judged on four traits (2):

  • Extrovert/ Introvert
  • Intuitive/ Sensing
  • Thinker/ Feeler
  • Perceptive/ Judgmental

Basically, every personality in this world is formed by a permutation and combination of these personality traits. In total, there are said to be sixteen different personality types. The characteristics described in the first paragraph usually point to the INFJ personality type – a combination of introversion, intuitiveness, feeling, and judging personality traits. This is the rarest personality type and people with this personality type are generally quite different from everybody else, and also lesser in number as compared to the other personality types.

If you are an INFJ personality type, these are the special qualities that you possess:

1. You Are Forward Facing

You have a clear idea of what you want your future to be like and you work towards it. You always see the bigger picture and hate the concept of micromanagement. Challenges are always faced head-on and failures are brushed off as stepping stones to success.

2. You Are A Serious Worker

You are aware of the pay-offs of hard work and make sure that you put in a 110% into everything that you do. You do not believe in shortcuts (in fact, you abhor them), and make sure that you are absolutely in love with your work.

3. Your Instincts Are Sharp

You are highly aware of your surroundings and can tell if something around you is not the way it ought to be. Your gut instincts work overtime and are almost always right. In fact, you most probably swear by it!

4. Nothing Is More Valuable To You Than The Truth

You actively pursue the truth. Be it the truth behind everyday incidents, or larger things in life, like the basis and secrets of the universe. You like to go digging, and that too with a pickaxe! Nevertheless, most of the times, you do succeed in uncovering it.

5. You Like To Pick And Choose Your Friends Carefully

This doesn’t mean that you are anti-social. It just means that you like your inner circle to be the safest place ever. You only let the most trusted people into it. Everybody else can just watch from outside.

6. You Know Immediately If Something Is Up With Your Friends

You not only sense immediately if your friends are upset, you also understand them. This is because you are more sensitive than the average human being and also more empathetic. That is why, once you are friends with someone, they never leave.

7. You Can See Through People

Mostly because you are so aware of your surroundings, as mentioned above, you can also sense if a person is trying to cause you any harm or discomfort. You can spot the troublemakers immediately and prefer to keep them at an arm’s length. Or maybe even further.

8. You Simply Need To Have Your Me-Time

Yes, some might refer to you as a “loner” but the truth is you simply love being with yourself and prefer your own company over everybody else’s. It doesn’t mean you hate everyone else. It just means that you love yourself more.

9. You Are Unpredictable

It’s impossible for people around you to be absolutely sure of how you are going to respond to something. Because you are so sensitive and empathetic, and also in tune with what’s happening around you, you tend to be slightly more emotional as compared to other human beings.

10. You Either Give It Your All Or Nothing At All

Half-hearted attempts are not your cup of tea at all. You are either hot or cold. Never lukewarm. Like Charles Bukowski said, you look for what you love and let it kill you! Anything that doesn’t meet this criterion is really not your thing.

11. You Usually Breeze Through Problems

No, it isn’t as easy as it sounds. But you tend to make it look easy-peasy. That’s because you are keenly observant and usually understand in the first go why something is not going smoothly in your life.

12. You Believe That The Pen Is Mightier Than The Word

No, that wasn’t a typo. We actually meant it that way. You prefer writing over talking and would any day send a text than make a call.

Does this sound like you or someone you know? Let us know in the comments section below. Also, tag a friend who you think could benefit from reading this!

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