12 Simple Remedies, To Avoid Water Retention, In Your Body

Water retention is defined as the accumulation of water in the body systems such as circulatory system, body tissues, and body cavities.

Seventy-five percent of our body weight is that of water. Water is located in nearly throughout our body. It makes up the cytoplasm, which is the main component of the cell- basic unit of life. While our bodies require water to function properly, our body can hold too much of it too. This excessive buildup of water is called water retention. Water retention makes the body appear abnormally swollen.

Most of the time, water retention for a short time itself does not cause serious health problems. However long-term water retention can cause hazardous effects on human body. Excessive water retention can be an underlying cause of diseases like cirrhosis of the liver, kidney failure, cardiac issues, preeclampsia and premenstrual syndrome.

Here is a list of things which can be the reason that we retain water:

1. Dietary Habits

A significant amount of sodium consumed in a diet can cause body cells to retain water temporarily.
Sodium is an essential nutrient for our body, and we need it in small amounts. It can be found in processed foods, dishes, salad dressing, cereals, and in canned soups where its presence might not be felt.


1-The daily sodium intake is about 2,300 milligrams or less per day, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

2-Limitize your salt consumed in a day by using herbs and spices as alternatives. Cumin, ginger, sage, oregano, dill onion, and pepper are all possible choices. Vinegar and lemon juice can be added to enhance the flavor of the dish without the use of the salt.

2. Lack Of Exercise

Having a sedentary and inactive lifestyle can lead to water retention. Exercise is one the best defense of the body against water retention preventing you from developing swollen ankles and legs.
Recommendation: It is necessary that the blood stays circulating in the body.

1-Use short breaks and try to stretch your legs during work.
2-Try to park at some distance from the building so that you can have a beautiful and refreshing morning walk before long days work.

3-Don’t use the elevator. Take the stairs.

4-If your daily routine lacks exercise then start with the healthy routine by walking for about 30-40 mins, three times in a week.

3. Medications

Water retention is the major side effect of some medications. Some meds, which are known to increase water accumulation, include beta-blockers, antidepressant pills, and meds to keep the blood pressure level maintained, chemotherapy medication, and NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).

The most famous of these drugs are NSAIDs of which aspirin (Bayer, Bufferin, Excedrin), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), and naproxen (Aleve) are commonly used.

Recommendation: Visit a doctor if you notice any swelling caused by consuming NSAIDs. Consult your physician before Tapering off medication. The reason is that withdrawal symptoms are often experienced as the body starts adapting to lower amount of drug.

4. Hormones

Recommendation: Visit a doctor if you notice any swelling caused by consuming NSAIDs. Consult your physician before Tapering off medication. The reason is that withdrawal symptoms are often experienced as the body starts adapting to lower amount of drug.

It’s more common in women than in men to experience water retention esp during menopause, pregnancy, and PMS. Hormones fluctuate the functioning of the kidney and manipulation of electrolytes and important enzymes by the body
The hormones estrogen and progesterone affect the water retention. Increased level of estrogen and decreased level of progesterone leads to fluid accumulation.

1-Avoid foods which can cause bloating or any gas. If the problem persists, get an allergy and food intolerance check. In rare cases, doctors suggest hormone replacement therapy.

5. Heart Problems

Heart problems can be one of the many causes leading to fluid retention. Some commonly faced symptoms of heart condition include fatigue, shortness of breath, tachycardia, and weakness.
Recommendation: Visit a doctor as soon as possible. The physician might recommend getting an MRI, CT scan or an ECG.

6. Dehydration

Dehydration can be caused by not drinking enough water. In the state of dehydration, the body cells go into survival mode and start to retain the water in fear of drought.
Recommendation: 1-Drink plenty of water and juices to keep your body fully hydrated. Know how much water is needed, by your body daily.

2-Coffee, soda drinks tend to dehydrate your cells. Avoid their excessive drinking

7.Wastes &Toxins

Cellulite most commonly affects women’s thighs. It is a form of fat complexed with retained water. Sometimes the water retained by it increases so much that it becomes extremely swollen and painful to the touch.
Recommendation: 1-Drink plenty of water to remove the metabolic wastes and toxins from your body. Have a healthy diet less in toxins.

8. Elevated Cortisol Levels.

Cortisol is a stress hormone which is produced by the adrenals when the blood level decreases.
Cortisol has numerous functions in our bodies such as influencing the blood sugar level and water retention levels, the central nervous system, and more.
Cortisol does not cause fluid retention in normal conditions. Only in some abnormal conditions, the water is retained in the body cells.

Recommendation: To maintain your cortisol level:

1- exercise regularly
2- Avoid stress
3- Switch to an anti-inflammatory diet.

9. Potassium Imbalances.

The cells of the body absorb sodium and potassium and transport water with them.
Potassium plays a major role in maintaining cellular fluid balance. Potassium has a vital role in pumping the water out of the cell, whereas sodium transports it inside the cell. Hence, if the potassium intake is decreased cells, water concentration can increase leading to water retention.

1. Adults age 19 and older, men and women require about 4,700 milligrams of potassium per day
2. Have the diet high in potassium concentration such as beans, bananas, broccoli, raw milk, salmon, and peas.

10. Protein

A Certain level of protein in the diet is necessary to maintain the water balance. The movement of water from the tissue spaces, back into the capillaries walls in severely affected by the decreased concentration of protein in the blood. The leading cause of enlarged abdomens of a severely malnourished or starving person is a lack of protein in the diet.
Recommendation: Have a knowledge about the protein-rich foods and include them in your diet:

1. Eggs. Whole Eggs are among the healthiest and most nutritious foods on the planet
2. Almonds
3. Chicken Breast. Chicken breast is one of the most popular protein-rich foods. …
4. Oat
5. Cottage Cheese
6. Greek Yogurt

11. Allergies

Food allergies and insect bites can cause edemas in the body. A person can be allergic to the foods we eat most often such as wheat, dairy, and eggs.
Recommendation: In the case of an allergic reaction, visit a doctor. He might prescribe an anti-allergy.

12. Thyroid Disease

People with a disorder of the thyroid gland can commonly experience water retention. Some of that water retention can be in the seen in the face, leading to puffiness around the eyes and in a face. Abdomen, hands, and feet can also be seen swollen.


1. Avoid food and supplements containing iodine
2. Certain foods can help to depress the thyroid example vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, brussels sprouts, spinach
Disclaimer: All content on this website is for informational purposes only and should not be considered to be a specific diagnosis or treatment plan for any individual situation. Use of this website and the information contained herein does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Always consult with your own doctor in connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding your own health or the health of others.

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