Do you know the feeling when you’ve been waiting for months and months to finally have longer hair? And still, you can’t shake the feeling that your hair is not growing? Not at all?

Believe it or not, this is actually a very common phenomenon amongst people trying to grow longer hair.

Check out the 5 most common reasons why your hair will not grow!
Reason number one is surprisingly common, but also extremely easy to solve.

When we start growing our hair out, we tend to be super impatient. Even though we know it takes a while for hair to grow, we want to jump from a short bob to waist length immediately.

This impatience can bias us so much that we feel like our hair is not growing because we cannot see a huge difference from week to week. (Or day to day. I know people who check every day if they see improvement. And I get them.)

However, there are a couple of things you can do to help you with this challenge.
Are you one of the people who religiously see their hairdresser once a month for a trim? If yes, then this is probably the reason why you can’t seem to gain any length.

Just think about it!

If your hair grows about 1-2 cm (0.4 – 0.8 inches) per month and you cut off the same amount each month, too. That is a null sum!

While you can make sure you have healthy hair growth with the right diet, you cannot make your hair grow double as fast.

So if you want to grow longer hair, stop cutting so much! It doesn’t make your hair grow faster.
Another reason for hair seemingly not growing can be breakage at the tips.

The longer your hair, the older the tips. This again means that they have dealt with quite a bit of mechanical stresses throughout their life already.

Old and dry hair tips break very easily. If your hair is damaged enough, the breakage can be so immense that you lose as much on your ends as you gain at the roots!

So if you’ve already excluded reasons 1 and 2 for your stunted hair growth, take a good look at your tips.
Many people think there might be something wrong with them if their hair doesn’t grow anymore.
And for very few of them, this can actually be true. There are medical conditions that can seriously slow down your hair growth up to the point that you are not gaining any length. They can range from scalp issues to hormonal imbalances.
This last reason for no hair growth is even rarer than the medical condition. But there are people out there who reached it. The mysterious “terminal length”.
A single hair can only grow as long as it is in its anagen phase. Once it reaches the catagen phase, it will still stay on your head for a while, but will not grow any longer.

Different hair over your body has a different length of the anagen phase. That’s why the hair of your eyebrows will never reach the same length as the hair on your scalp.

Unfortunately, there is no way to know for sure what your personal terminal length is. It will depend on your general health and genetics.

But there is a way to figure out if you have single hairs that are as long as they will ever be. Not reliable, but it will give you an idea.

If you have single hairs that haven’t changed in length for a while (like 2 months, not 2 days!!), take a good, detailed look at them.

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