Loose or Saggy is a result of various factors. It is a widespread problem, and many women are experiencing it everywhere. Loose skin occurs when you lose fat or after childbirth. For some saggy skin is a result of growing old or aging. Aging is a natural phenomenon, and it is constant to life. Nature itself has provided us with essential oils to tighten skin when they sag or go loose.

1. Frankincense Oil

How To:

  • Add six drops of frankincense oil to any carrier oil of your choice and apply topically to the skin.
  • The mixture can be used on any saggy part of the body like jowls or under eyes.
  • Remember to do a patch test first to avoid allergic reactions.

2. Neroli Oil

How To:

  • Rub about four drops of Neroli oil on affected parts of the body.
  • Applying it at night helps the body get the most benefit from therapeutic treatments

3. Lavender Oil

How To:

  • Mix lavender oil with frankincense oil or any carrier oil of your choice.
  • Then, apply to body first thing after a bath in the morning or just before you go to bed.

4. Grapeseed Oil

How To:

  • Pour few drops of grapeseed oil on your palms and rub together.
  • After this, the body with the oil, concentrating on any part of the skin that needs tightening or healing.
  • Apply the oil in the evening, before bed, and let it sit overnight for best results.

5. Pomegranate Oil

How To:

  • Pomegranate is applied by rubbing drops of it on the skin and massaging deeply into affected parts of the body.
  • Apply the oil to clean skin and, if necessary, wash the area beforehand with a mild exfoliating scrub.
  • Apply the oil in the evening, before bed, and let it sit overnight for best results.

6. Almond Oil

How To:

  • A little drop of almond oil is powerful enough and can repair the skin if rubbed on every day.
  • You can apply almond oil to every area of the skin, including under the eyes.
  • Almond oil tightens the skin and leaves it soft and agile.

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