Everything You Need To Know About Vaginal Discharge

Vaginal discharge is one of the most common gynecological symptoms. This is a problem which is very subjective from woman to woman. A small amount of discharge can cause large discomfort to certain types of women. Others don’t feel a thing even if it’s a large quantity.


Because of this, it is uncertain to assess whether a health problem is at hand or not.
What are the reasons for the occurrence of vaginal discharge?

The occurrence of this vaginal discharge can be both because of a normal process within the organism or some abnormal pathological condition.

Normal vaginal discharge
All the changes that occur during your period can cause secretion in the cervix and vagina. This is what’s called vaginal discharge.

As a result of the increase in the Estrogen levels, the glands in the cervix produce secretion especially before ovulation, which results in a vaginal discharge which is “sticky” and “see-through”. After ovulation, the discharge becomes even stickier and blurry. The quantity is less as well. Besides the normal occurrence during the menstrual period, vaginal discharge can occur even during puberty, pregnancy, menopause or during sexual activity.

Pathological vaginal discharge
The reasons for a pathological vaginal discharge can vary. This can be the result of some genital infections like (Candida albicans, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis) or various others. If nature is not infections than it can be because of the presence of a tampon, using perfumed gels for intimate care…

What to do if you have abnormal vaginal discharge?
If you have an abnormal vaginal discharge, the first thing you should do is consult your gynecologist. This advice can help you get rid of this problem:
-Keep good hygiene with warm water. If you want to use soap try to find especially for intimate care.
-Try to use 100% cotton underwear.
-After using the toilet, always wipe from the vagina towards the anus and not the other way around. This way you would prevent spreading bacteria from the anus to the vagina.
-Don’t use intensive care products with the scent which are not intended for intimate care.
-Avoid scented bubble bath.

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