How to Get Rid of a Double Chin the Quick and Easy Way in a Week

Double chins are a sad fact of life for many of us and not much for others (good for you). If you have a naturally round face you might be especially prone to storing extra fat beneath your chin. While there are no instant cures, you can reduce double chin fat the same way you reduce fat everywhere else: by eating healthy and exercising.

In this post we are going to explore ways for non-surgical facelift, which can help to reduce chin fat and contract the skin in the area. This could work to contour your neck and jawline, helping to reduce a double chin, in addition to making this part of your body look and feel smoother than before.

What Exactly Is Submental Fullness (aka Double Chin)?

This is a clinical term for the excess fat that contributes to one’s chin, often referred to as a “double chin”. Submental fullness [1] is a common, yet under treated facial aesthetic condition. It can detract from another wise balanced and harmonious facial appearance – leading to an older and heavier look.

For many people this is a stubborn problem area that can be very resistant to all the appropriate therapies like a good healthy diet, exercises ,etc. We present alternative ways, against forms of traditional treatments that involves some form of surgery like a facelift and/or liposuction to address this area depending on your age and anatomy.

Lets face it, the double chin will take some honest efforts from you, but at the end its you who will look amazing. But this does not mean that you should entertain any body shaming just because of a double chin. Your self-esteem should not be dependent on how you look, know that the efforts you’re going to make losing your double chin is just for yourself and not to please people. Remember, you’re beautiful with or without your double chin.

How to Get a Firm Chin

Cocoa Butter Massage

Cocoa Butter helps to improve elasticity of your skin. Studies have shown that the bioactive constituents of cocoa components exhibit pharmacologic effects in reducing inflammatory processes [2].

How to apply: Heat a tablespoon of Cocoa Butter. Gently massage your chin and nearby neck area for about 15 minutes clockwise and anti-clockwise as well. Do this daily before taking bath or before going to bed within 10 days your double chin will tighten up.

Wheat Germ Oil Massage

An effective way to reduce neck fat is massaging the chin and neck with wheat germ oil. Wheat Germ oil is rich in Vitamin E that helps in nourishing and tightening the skin. [3]

​How to apply: Apply the wheat germ oil in an upward motion starting from your neck towards your double chin for 15 to 20 minutes before going to bed. Do this for 10 days.

Egg White Face Mask

In case you do not have cocoa butter or wheat germ oil, then you can use beat up egg whites to make a face mask. Egg whites are a more easily accessible remedy for your double chin. Egg Whites Face masks made from egg whites, milk, lemon and honey can tighten your skin muscles.

How to Apply: Carefully separate the egg white from 2 to 3 eggs. Mix it with a tablespoon of milk, honey, and lemon juice. Massage your chin and neck area and leave mixture to dry. After an hour remove it with lukewarm water.

Increase Vitamin E Intake

When it comes to food for your skin one should definitely increase their intake of Vitamin E. Vitamin E is vital in maintaining the health of your skin and preventing it from sagging.

Green leafy vegetables, dairy products, legumes, nuts, seeds, beans and liver are rich in Vitamin E. You can also look out for Green Tea. If you take daily vitamin E supply you can easily get rid of that double chin.

Facial Toning Exercises

Some people believe you can reduce double chin size by toning the facial muscles. While this hasn’t been backed up by science, many folks swear by facial toning exercises. Check out the video below, to learn 5 easy face exercise.

Chin Firming Exercises

Easy exercises to reduce fat from neck and double chin area.

An important aspect of your 10-day routine to reduce double chin is going to be Facial Exercises. These exercises will tone up your lower face and neck.

Instructions: Keep your face in a neutral position and place your hand as shown under your chin. Push your head down while your hand offers gentle resistance to the downward movement. This is an isolated movement concentrating on tilting the face down.

Each movement should be over a 5 second period. Rest and repeat. Start out with 5 reps per day and work up to 20 reps per day by increasing the number of reps each week. An additional stretch can be done by simply tilting your head back and pushing out your chin in an exaggerated movement.

This is a simple movement that can be done at any time – when brushing your teeth, watching TV, or anytime you have a few minutes.

Instructions: Keep your face in a neutral position and slightly tilt your head back raising the chin just slightly. Then in an exaggerated way, make a really broad smile until you feel it in your neck. You should see the muscles in the neck stick out in ropes, as seen in picture above. This is an isolated movement concentrating on the neck. Hold for 5 seconds. Rest and repeat.

Start out with 5 reps per day and work up to 20 reps per day by increasing the number of reps each week. An additional stretch can be done from the starting position and tilt your head back and push out your chin.

This is a simple movement that can be done at any time – when brushing your teeth, watching TV, or anytime you have a few minutes.

Platysma Exercise

The platysma is the big muscle that runs from your jawline to your shoulder. Exercising it helps keep your chin and throat firm. To strengthen and tone the platysma, follow these steps.

Sit or stand with an erect spine.

Pull your lips back against your teeth, and turn the corners of your mouth downward.
Open your mouth slightly, and activate the muscles of your jaw. Keep your lips pressed firmly against your teeth and the corners of your mouth turned down. The tendons on your neck should stand out.
Wiggle your lower jaw up and down 5 to 10 times.Repeat this exercise 5 to 10 times to tone your platysma.

Kiss the Sky

Tilt your head upwards and keep your eyes towards the direction of sky. Now hold your lips as tight as possible as if you are trying to kiss the sky.

Hold yourself in this position for about 15 seconds and repeat 20 times. This exercise stretches most of the facial muscles including your jaw, throat, and neck. Make sure you are only moving your lips.

Chin Up

Chin up is a popular double chin reduction exercise. Pull your lower lip as high as possible by pushing out your lower jaw. You’ll feel a slight strain on your jaw and chin muscles as you push out your jaw.

Hold the lip and jaw in the position for 15 seconds and repeat 20 times.

Hum and breathe

There are two parts to this exercise. First close your lips and make chewing motion using your lower jaw. Now hum and count your breath.

After 10 breaths stop to relax. In the second part, open your mouth and stick your tongue to the lower front teeth from front. Again hum and count for 10 breaths. Repeat both parts 20 times.


You can do this simple exercise any time of the day. Just suck in your cheeks and lips like a guppy or fish and try to smile. Hold the position for 10 seconds or until you feel the burn in your cheeks and jaws. Repeat 20 times.

Neck Rotation

While standing, drop your chin forward to your chest and slowly rotate your head to the right. Hold the position for five seconds. Now, gently rotate your head back so that your chin is to your chest. Do the same to the left. Hold again for five seconds. Repeat this 15 times daily.

Chin Slap

This is one of the easiest face workouts. With the back of your hand, gently slap underneath your chin and gradually increase your speed until it starts hurting. If it starts hurting, slow down but continue to slap your double chin for 30 seconds. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

Hydrating to Reduce Double Chin Size

If you’re bloated, your face is one of the first places to show it. Sodium and sugary carbs are two of the biggest bloat-producers, so cutting down on them can reduce the appearance of a double chin.

Carbs cause bloating by attracting water, which makes muscles and fat deposits swell in size. Sodium causes inflammation in the body, causing it to retain fluid in an effort to dilute the sodium. This leads to bloating, and bloating leads to a larger double chin.

Beat bloating and reduce double chin size by drinking lots of water. Drink at least 8 glasses a day. If your face and hands are still puffy, drink 2 or 3 more glasses. Avoid sodium, sweets, and white flour products until your bloating is under control.

Medical Treatments For A Double Chin

In some cases double chin appears due to genetics, and medical intervention can help tightening up with the are along with face firming exercises. Treatments can be an option if your over all weight loss is not helping you to lose the double chin. In this case, your doctor may recommend invasive procedures such as:


Also known as liposculpture, lipolysis uses liposuction or heat from a laser to melt away fat and contour the skin. In most cases, a local anesthetic is all that’s needed during lipolysis to treat a double chin.

Lipolysis only treats fat. It doesn’t remove excess skin or increase skin’s elasticity. Side effects of lipolysis may include:

  • swelling
  • bruising
  • pain
  • Mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure that delivers small amounts of fat-dissolving compounds through a series of injections.

In 2015, the Food and Drug Administration approved deoxycholic acid (Kybella), an injectable drug used in mesotherapy. Deoxycholic acid helps your body absorb fats.

It may take 20 or more injections of deoxycholic acid per treatment to treat a double chin. You can have up to six treatments total. You must wait at least one month between treatments.

Deoxycholic acid may cause serious nerve damage if injected improperly. Only a dermatologist or a doctor with plastic surgery experience who is knowledgeable about the drug should perform these injections.

Potential side effects of deoxycholic acid and other mesotherapy injectables include:

  • swelling
  • bruising
  • pain
  • numbness
  • redness

Is It Possible To Shrink Fat Cells?

What if I told you that there is a way to physically shrink your fat cells? Countless products and diet plans have promised as much, and more. But I am about to reveal the method that has worked wonders for hundreds of people worldwide pursuing fat reduction.

It sounds too good to be true, right?

Tea has many benefits for the body, stress and energy levels, and even aids in the prevention of serious diseases. White, black and green tea have been tested, talked about and consumed for years on this basis, each with unique but valuable contributions to the body.

More recently, red tea has been recognized as their equal, if not superior. And here’s why – because Red Tea shrinks fat cells.

Rooibos is a red bush from South Africa. The leaves are used once fermented in the tea’s production, and they offer a range of benefits.

Our recipe, as featured in the Red Tea Detox, combines rooibos with a specific blend, working to melt fat.

Research has shown that components found in the rooibos plant, such as polyphenols and flavonoids, inhibit the formation of new fat cells by 22 percent. The tea significantly lowers dangerous fat found found in the blood, such as triglycerides concentrations. [1, 2, 3]

Other blends such as green tea, although rich in antioxidants, do not have the same impact on fat cells or weight loss. Red tea is an exciting necessity, and one that has the potential to seamlessly entwine with your lifestyle.

Sipping the brew burns fat from stubborn problem areas around the body, without an extreme diet or exercise plan. This is a chance to enhance your health as well as your weight loss efforts. And did I mention that it’s delicious?

Final Thoughts

As contrary to popular beliefs the best way to get rid of extra fat anywhere on your body can be reduced by eating a clean and healthy diet while exercising daily.

When trying to get rid of a double chin, be patient. Unless you go through liposuction or laser lipolysis, it won’t diminish overnight. Depending on the size of your double chin, it may take a few months before it’s less noticeable.

Maintaining a healthy weight will help keep a double chin in check. This also has added benefits because it reduces your overall risk of: diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, heart disease, certain cancers, strokes etc.

Unless you’re certain that your double chin was caused by genetics, give weight loss, daily exercising, and chin exercises a chance before undergoing an invasive procedure.

Before starting a diet and exercise program, talk to your doctor. They’ll address any health concerns you have and help you set healthy weight loss goals. They’ll also recommend an eating plan that fits your lifestyle.

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