Wouldn’t being healthy be easy if health tips were to eat whatever, whenever, you want or they made a machine that would make you healthy?

Like if all the things you wanted to eat, burgers, fries, cheesecake, and ice cream, would turn into vegetables and fruit once it hit your stomach?

Now, that’s the life!  Especially for me because I am lazy!
You must be too since you are reading this post!
If so, then I can help!  I can make getting healthy easy with these 22 Health Tips to get you started with little or no effort at all!

Best of all, these health tips are for the mind, body, and spirit.  This way, you will be healthier in all aspects of your life, not just in tip-top physical shape.
Now, let’s get started with tips for the Mind.

When it comes to achieving anything in life, you have to have the right mindset.
Without having a great mindset, your intentions will be good, but you will not follow through with your goals.

As my Big-G, my grandma,  use to say, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”
You will not see any results.

Let me rephrase that, you won’t see the results you want.
You may gain more weight, feel even more depressed, or your health may get worse.
You will lose sight of what you want to accomplish.
You will go off track.

To avoid these things from happening,  here are a few tips on getting your mindset right so that you can achieve your goal of getting healthy!


First thing first, realize that there is no such thing as work-life balance.
It is not going to happen, ever!

Now, don’t be sad about it because there is such a thing as prioritization or work life prioritization.
This means on certain days when you have a deadline, a project due, or etc, work may need to come first before anything else. This means before family, friends, and hobbies.

Other days, if your kids are sick, you need a mental health day, you are sick, or there’s a family emergency, then guess what, your personal life comes first!

What I am trying to get here is to stop searching for something that doesn’t exist AND causes you a lot of stress trying to find!

A lot of what you hear in the news on how to get the perfect work-life balance is a piece of crap!
You can’t control outside forces, so when you think you spend too much time at work because you have a deadline, don’t beat yourself up!

Realize that this is a time that you have to prioritize work first so that you can continue to pay your bills.

If your child is sick and you can’t work as hard as you would like, don’t criticize yourself or say you are a terrible worker.

This is the time where you have to prioritize your child because he or she needs you!
Overall, what I want you to learn is not to overwhelm or stress yourself out when you feel like you aren’t where you should be or doing what you believe you should be doing.

Stop believing in work-life balance and believe in work-life prioritization.
This will help to reduce your stress levels which will help you to become healthier.

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