How to lose 40 pounds in 4 week

Feeling worried and probably looking for the ways to transform your body in short span?


Don’t worry about your shape, as you are at the right place.

Lose 40 pounds in 4 Weeks, feels quite impossible. Right?

On the basis of few studies and research, I would love to say that YES it’s possible to lose 40 pounds in 4 weeks.

All you have to do is take care of your habits from eating, drinking to workouts which helps to burn more calories throughout the day.

Did you ever notice, how your favorite famous celebrities, models, bodybuilders, and professional fitness experts cut down their body fat so fast for important events?

Well! For them, it’s just a part of their daily job. They’ve people behind them who’re working 24×7 to maintain their diet to workouts and on which they spend thousands of dollars.

But here, it just you!

That’s the reason we’re here for you.

Fortunately for you, after tremendous amounts of experience of fitness experts, we have created a complete weight loss guide to transform your body from fab to flat.

Is It Healthy?
Just sticking to only workouts will not help you to lose weight healthily.

For healthy weight loss, you need to focus on a healthy diet and other positive lifestyle changes to make this plan possible.

Green veggies, proteins, detox drinks, and fruit-based diet are few best fat burning food ideas. These foods provide healthy energy to stay in this workout longer so you won’t feel depleted at the end.

In fact, after following this 24-hour weight loss plan, you will feel incredibly energized and active.
1. Wake Up
No matter at what time you wake up, your weight loss journey should start immediately after waking up.

Try to wake up early in the morning to feel more active and energetic throughout the day.

And enjoy early morning freshness to access more positive energy.

2. Drink Warm Lemon Water
Drink a glass of lukewarm lemon water to boost your metabolism and burn belly fat.

This rich vitamin C drink will cleanse your body by removing out toxins from the body.

Also, it will rejuvenate your skin by boosting collagen production.

3. Go For 15-Minute Walk
After drinking lemon water (after 10 minutes), go for a 15-minute walk in nature. You can also prefer a treadmill, if not willing to go outdoors.

Walking is a very easy warm-up exercise for obese people. It’s a great option if you don’t love to sweat longer in the gym.

Try a brisk walk, as it’ll burn more calories. Initially, you may walk with average speed, and then speed it up.

For every 2000 steps taken, you burn 100 calories.

So, in order to lose 500 calories, you must take 10000 steps each day. Take this 30-day walking challenge to start your weight loss journey easy.

4. Start High-Intensity Workout
After 15 minutes brisk walk, hit this high-intensity fat burning workout for 30-minutes in the morning and evening.


5. Drink Water After Workout
After the workout, your body becomes dehydrated, so add 0.35 liters of water for every half an hour of exercise.

According to The American College of Sports and Medicine, water requirement for a workout person-

Before Exercise: Drink 2 glass of water, 1-2 hours before exercise.

After Exercise: Drink 2 glass for every pound lost, after 10-15 minutes.

Know how to drink water to lose weight.
6. Eat Lean Protein Breakfast
Your first meal of the day should be rich in proteins and fewer in carbs.

Try to grab at least 35 grams of proteins (lean meat, chicken, fish, and eggs) in your first diet to prevent hunger later.

It’ll keep you fuller by reducing your appetite.

For more diet choice, you can try these high protein breakfasts recipes.

7. Move
Now, its time to move to your office.

Prefer a brisk walk if your office is nearby location or bicycle for 2-4 kilometers. It’ll boost your metabolism to burn more calories.

You may also try more alternative ways –

  • Walk, while taking phone calls.
  • Use stairs maximum and avoid escalator and elevator.
  • At work, instead of using the closest restrooms, walk one floor up and down.
  • While going to grocery stores, just take a walk instead of driving.
If you feel stuck at work desk, in office, then set a computer alarm clock to get off after every two hours. It will increase your productivity and steps counts.
8. Drink A Glass of Water
After getting into office, drink one or two glass of water to hydrate your body. It will work as a great energy booster to start any work.

Now, don’t eat anything for an hour.

But if still, you feeling to eat something, then, prefer green tea or some fruits infused detox drink or a bowl of berries.

9. Mid-Morning Snacks
Snacks can increase or decrease your fat burning rate but depends on what you eat at snacks time.

Grab the right snacks for you and make sure it’s healthy and lower in calories.

Your midmorning snacks aid benefits to your weight loss. It helps to avoid overeating at lunch.

Remember, don’t skip your snacks time to save your calories as it might put you on the path to gain weight.

Not eating snacks can provoke you to overeat at lunchtime.

Snacks should be under 200 calories and must be providing a minimum of 3 grams of fibers, 3 grams of protein, and less than 8 gram of added sugar, says by Keri Gans, R.D; Author of The Small Change Diet.

Don’t eat more sweets, just a little one to prevent your sweet craving.

Almonds are the best snacks diet for weight loss. According to a study, people who ate a portion and half of almonds around 11:00 a.m., are less hungry at lunch and ate fewer calories than non-eaters.
10. Lunch
Lunch-time might be a war zone, especially when you’re losing weight.

You have an option to go to the cafeteria for your favorite fast food.

That’s why now you need to put on extra efforts to replace your old food habits.

Now, at lunchtime, aim for 400-450 calories. Make sure the timings between morning snacks and lunch should be 1 -2 hours.

11. Weight Loss Drinks
After 1-2 hour of lunch, drink something light to boost your digestion.

You can choose fat-burning teas like green tea, oolong tea, ginger-lemon tea; fruits infused water such as detox-water, and low calories juices without sugar.

These rich nutrient drinks will detoxify your body so automatically you burn more fat cells.

Detoxification allows your body to get rid of all stubborn fat around the belly. Take this 21-day detox diet plan to cleanse the body.

It also boosts healthy skin texture. After developing these food habits, soon, you’ll notice that your skin started glowing.

12. Evening Snacks
Post lunch snacks should be filled with powerful fat burning fruits, like berries, oranges, watermelon, avocados, apple, kiwis, grapefruits, and pear.

Have a bowl of each fruit every day as evening snacks. You can also opt. green smoothies, and green juice.

13. Drink A Glass of Water
Now, again drink a glass of water to hydrate yourself 30 minutes before hitting your evening workout.

Maintain a gap of half an hour after snacks to drink a glass of water.

14. Evening Workout
Again, hit the above morning workout for 30 minutes to burn your calories faster you gathered throughout the day.

But make sure, the gap of 1-2 hour should be maintained after your evening snacks.

According to The American College of Sports and Medicine, when you perform 60 minutes of moderate exercise every day for weight loss, then break it into small sessions, like 10 minutes or longer rather than being continuous for longer.

So, when you break your moderate exercise 2 times a day, it helps you to lose weight fast.

Exercising twice doesn’t mean that you got the license to eat anything throughout the day.

Remember, no. of sets is directly connected to no. of pounds you will lose. Initially, start easy and increase numbers of sets gradually.

15. Drink A Glass of Water
You sweat a lot during a workout, wait for 15-20 minutes and then drink 1 or 2 glass of water to calm down.

16. Dinner
As breakfast and lunch, dinner also put a great positive emphasis on shredding pounds, feeling satisfied, and avoid overeating.

Aim to the range, between-

  • 450-500 calories
  • 25-35 grams proteins
  • 50-75 gram carbs
  • At least 8 grams of fibers
  • 15-25 grams fat

17. Sleep
Yes! Sleeps matter a lot when you are trying to lose weight.

Sleeping 7-8 hours is mandatory and helps to burn calories fast.

According to a study published in Annals of Internal Medicine, if you are not sleeping enough, your diet will not work well and can undo the effect.

So, next time when you cut down your sleep, remember, your fat loss is going be cut into half- even though you were on the same healthy diet.

People who don’t take enough sleep – felt hunger, less satisfied after meals and lacked energy.

Overall, people on a sleep-deprived diet experienced a 55% reduction of fat compared to well-rested counterparts.

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