How Two Aspirins Can Help You Remove the Spots, Wrinkles and Scars of the Face!

A very popular theme today is aesthetics. Everyone wants to look good. But unfortunately most at some point in his life will have some type of imperfection, whether acne, blemishes, some type of scar or the ugly and despicable wrinkles that are all due to poor diet or stress or simply over the years will acquire.


But no matter what your situation is here we will give you advice so that you do not incur the deceptive methods that appear in the market today. Besides that they are usually expensive they can leave unpleasant side effects.

ASPIRIN! Something Simple and Cheap Can Help You a Lot With the Face Scars


-2 units of aspirin
-1 tablespoon of honey

Crush the aspirin until it turns into a paste next to the water and store it in a glass container, add the honey, convert it into a homogeneous paste.


Apply on the face and let it act for 10 minutes and then remove with plenty of water.

Use it two or three times per week

Although you can also help with daily habits that will make the effects more pleasant and lasting.

Healthy habits such as:

-Ingest 2 liters of water daily.
-A walk of 30 minutes a day will help you with the oxygenation of your skin.
-Avoid fats so you do not get more impurities.
-Avoid common soaps, try to use neutral soaps or containing honey or oatmeal. This will help your skin to stay free of impurities.
-Sometimes making healthy habits and adding natural and simple options will help us more in the care of our skin.

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