Take This Vitamin to Deal With Your Mosquitos Problems

The summer is right down the corner. And with it comes the sweltering heat, the crowds at the beach, shorter and lesser clothes, and obviously, mosquitoes. Some say that mosquitoes are attracted due to the musky smell that comes out through us while we sweat. And unless you are someone who spends their entire day under an air conditioner, chances are, you will sweat. This sweat will attract mosquitoes and you will definitely get bitten even if you kill all of them. That bite is not only irritating but also is a host for many, many diseases. Afraid? You should be. But read on for your own good.


Now that we have successfully destroyed summers for you, let’s talk about how you can survive this with your sanity intact- for the continuous buzzing of mosquitoes around your ear is bound to make one mad. You already have mosquito repellents. Various products that you can put on yourself or in your house, but that would probably lead to a foul smell emanating from you. Do you want that while you are on a date? I don’t think so.

Well, here is a Godsend for you- Vitamin B1. This vitamin can be found in various foods like oatmeal, eggs, yeast, brown rice, asparagus, liver etc. Vitamin B1 or thiamine, as it is referred to in scientific circles, helps in reducing stress and boosting immunity, but that isn’t something that you should stress on right now.
What makes Vitamin B1 a good mosquito repellent? Well, to put it simply, it changes your scent for the mosquitoes. Instead of the scent that is bound to make them drool, it makes you disgusting to them. But don’t fret, you are still cool with your friends. It simply works on mosquitoes and while it might seem kind of disconcerting, all this scent changing, it is actually true.

Also, as a side note, don’t worry about taking too much as it won’t get you all bloated for the bikini season. It is water soluble, so anything that is extra, will get flushed straight down.

Even if this doesn’t help, what is the harm in consuming vitamins that are bound to help you nonetheless? For, Vitamin B1 helps in preventing cataract, limits type 2 Diabetes, improves the nervous system, and helps in a lot of other ways. Actually, people suffering from gastric disorder or anorexia should, in fact, consume more. So that they can compensate for the lack of thiamine in their body. This does sound like a sweet deal, doesn’t it? Take 100 mg of it daily, and you will find yourself dealing with mosquitoes lesser and lesser.

Well, if that disinterests you, you can still opt for the all natural mosquito repellent. Making it is easy, using it even more so.

  • For that, you would need:
  • Oil from Tea tree
  • Lavender Oil
  • Witch Hazel
  • Cool Boiled Water

Simply fill an 8-ounce spray bottle with boiled water halfway. Then add half a teaspoon of witch hazel and 15 drops of tea tree oil. Finally, add another 15 drops of lavender oil. Now, you have your own repellent. Use it as you want.

Hope this helps.

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