10 Popular Tricks In Korea For Clean And Healthy Skin

 They know how to look thirty years younger in the fifties. Their skin is healthier. Even men use special cosmetics and know a lot of tricks to always look good.






We are admired by the beauty and power of Korean women and men and are pleased to share their secrets:


Rule 10 seconds

To keep your skin clean, healthy and fresh, apply the moisturizing cream for 10 seconds immediately after showering.


What’s Happening: Pores spread out after showering and the cream is absorbed more quickly.


Massage with a hot towel


They wear a terry towel with hot water, cover their face and then do a mild massage. After 15 minutes, they remove the towel and apply a natural, nutritious oil.


What’s happening: This procedure speeds up the circulation, opens the pores and helps the skin breathe.




An unusual way to makeup lasts longer and give you skin soft and matte. First, before put a makeup on the face, use the powder well, and then put the face in a bowl of cold water for 15-30 seconds.


What’s happening: Powder equally prone to the face and gives it a special velvet


Shaving foam against acne


They apply foam to the cleaned face, gently massage the fingers, leave for 5-10 minutes, then rinse. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week.


What’s happening: Girls in Korea believe that men’s shaving foam is one of the best means of fighting acute pimples, because it has an antiseptic effect.


Algae on the face


Nori algae use rather than nutritious creams. Just take a couple of algae leaves, put them in warm water, then put on your face for 15 minutes.


What’s happening: In the algae there are many vitamins and ingredients that care about your skin, preserve her youth and have a potent antibacterial feature.


Salt tonic to clean your face


The recipe for the preparation of tonics for problematic skin is simple: put 1 teaspoon of sea salt in 1 glass of warm water and stir well. After each washing, pour the tubers with this solution and rub it on your face.

What’s happening: The sea disinfects the skin, gradually removes blackheads and soothes the inflamed spots. The face looks fresh, and the pores are narrowing. It is important not to apply it to wounds or injuries.


Patches Blemish


The real hit is the plastic patches imperceptible on the skin and under the makeup, which cleans the face of the pimples in 1-2 days. I can order from the Internet.


What’s happening: Thanks to its particularly antiseptic composition, this patch isolates and treats the pimple, removing inflammation in a very short time, most often for the night.


Soy milk


In the East, they use soy milk in home and professional cosmetic products. One of the oldest and easiest recipes is to soak a gauze in soy milk, place it on a cleaned face and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week.


What’s happening: Soap ingredients help normalize sebum secretion, rejuvenate and nourish the skin.


Silkworms for smooth skin


The silkworm has been used for centuries as a natural detergent for deep cleansing. They put them on the index finger and massage the cleansed skin for 10-15 minutes. They are sold online.


What happens: The silkworms removes dead cells and stimulates regeneration, balances color, helps fight blackheads and narrows the pores.


Lemon for bleaching skin


Cut the lemon  in half and squeeze it into a bowl. Then, using a cotton pads, apply it to the darkened or tanned parts of the skin. Repeat the procedure several times a week. If the skin is sensitive, care should be taken with this method.

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