ways to naturally resolve skin tags, warts, moles, blackheads, and age spots

 You don’t always need a trip to the pharmacy or drug store to help fix a simple skin condition. However, if you’re not sure about what something is, it’s a good idea to get a medical professional to check it for you. Make sure you’re not dealing with something dangerous.





If not, look to your kitchen and pantry shelves for some tried and true DIY methods that may help with a selection of skin issues. From age spots to warts, we have you covered.


Most of these will take several applications over several days, but if they work, do you really care? Especially when it’s costing you next to nothing.

1. Apple cider vinegar


Use it to treat warts. It has natural antimicrobial properties and my help dissolve them. Always dilute with water! Mix 2-parts apple cider vinegar to 1-part water. Soak a cotton ball and put it on the wart. Leave for 3 to 4 hours or overnight. This will also help remove age spots.

2. Banana peel

The potassium content it thought to help fight HPV. You’ll have to do this daily by rubbing the inside of the peel on your wart. The same treatment is said to work for skin tags.

3. Garlic

This powerful antibacterial can fight all sorts of pathogens, including warts. Make a paste by mixing one crushed clove with water. Cover your wart then put a bandage over it. You’ll need to do this daily for about a month.

4. Orange peel

In a few weeks there is a chance your wart will fall off if you follow these directions. Rub an orange peel on the wart once a day for two weeks. The wart should darken then fall off.

5. Pineapple

Pineapple contains bromelain which is reported to help in wart removal. You can try a few methods. One is to soak the wart in pineapple juice every day. Or apply fresh pineapple daily.

6. Potato

Potato can supposedly dehydrate a wart. Do this by cutting a small potato in half and rubbing the wart until it is covered in potato juice. You need to do this twice a day.

7. Dandelion

Yes, those pesky weeds are good for a thing or two. Try breaking apart a dandelion and squeeze out some white sap. Apply to the wart once or twice a day and do this for two weeks.

8. Aloe vera gel

This is one plant it pays to keep around, since it has so many uses. Including providing relief from warts. Just spread some of the juice from a leaf on it daily. It can also be used to treat age spots and a variety of other skin issues.

9. Aspirin

This is thought to work like salicylic acid, which peels away infected skin. Crush some aspirin and mix with water. Apply to the wart, and cover with a bandage overnight.

10. Clear nail polish

Clear nail polish supposedly suffocates the HPV. Simply coat a wart with it two or three times a day.

11. Vitamin C

We all know about vitamin Cs ability to boost the immune system. And for things like healing skin tissue. Crush up a tablet and mix with a little water, forming a paste. Apply it to the wart, cover with a bandage, and leave overnight.

12. Vitamin E

Another vitamin that will help pump up your immune system that also has skin benefits and HPV fighting agents. Puncture a capsule and put a little oil on your wart. Cover with a bandage and leave overnight. You’ll need to do this every day for a few weeks. If you have skin tags, you can put the oil on for 15 minutes at a time until it disappears.

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