5 Effective Yoga Mudras For Your Healthy Heart

 Keeping your heart healthy is essential for a long and healthy life, and a healthy heart needs a good diet and a proper exercise routine. Yoga is one of the best bets when it comes to your fitness routine. It is a wholesome way of nourishing your body and soul equally. Along with the asanas, there are the mudras, which you can learn quickly. Regular practice of these mudras is known to help in healing various health conditions and also to keep the heart healthy.





5 Must Practice Mudras Of Yoga For Heart Health:


Along with cardio workouts, practice these 5 mudras to keep your heart healthy and protect it from uninvited medical conditions:


1. Apana Vayu Mudra – The Mudra Of Heart:


Along with strengthening your heart and regularizing palpitations, regular practice of this mudra eases gastric issues. Named as the ‘Mrita Sanjeevani Mudra’, it provides immediate relief to a person suffering from cardiac arrest. It eases the pain and improves blood circulation when under angina attack.


How to Do:


  1. Sit in Padmasana [Lotus Pose].
  2. Stretch your hands outward and allow them to rest on the thighs.
  3. Let the palms face the ceiling.
  4. Now, fold your middle and ring fingers towards the palm in such a way that they touch the tip of the thumb.
  5. Fold the index finger inward allowing it to touch the base of the thumb.
  6. The small finger should be stretched outward.
  7. Keep your eyes closed and hold the mudra as long as you want to.



There is no specific count for this. However, people who have cardiac ailments or hypertension should practice this for 30 minutes a day, divided into two equal sessions.


2. Prana Mudra – The Mudra Of Life:


As the name suggests, this yoga mudra enhances life force. It actually helps in clearing the clogged arteries, lowering the risk associated with cardiovascular conditions. Practicing this mudra daily improves fitness and immunity levels.


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