Things Not To Discuss With Men

 What topics do men prefer not to mention in their conversation with ladies? The article lists simple rules for communicating with a man. Women are very fond of talking. Especially with men. However, if it is absolutely frank, sometimes it is better to stop in this beautiful occupation.





How to understand when it is better simply to smile and remain silent for ladies? Which topics should not be discussed in a conversation with a stronger sex? Experts decided to talk about this with men. Below you can see the most common ideas.


Beautiful ladies, observe a few simple rules, and you will have all the chances to become a perfect couple. They will help you not to ruin your good relationship and become closer to your partner. There are eight main rules, here you are:


  • Do not talk about your ex-boyfriends. Lovely girls, just believe that for your family well-being it will be much better if the topic about ex-boyfriends will remain undisclosed. Please, let’s not have intimate details. If you disrespect your former ones, then a man may have several reasonable questions at once: “Why have you dated him, if he is so bad? Will you say the same about me if we part?” Or even worse: “Maybe the ex-boyfriend was right that he left you?”.


If you start to say about the former guy too good things, it can cause suspicion that you are still thinking about him. Remember what you feel when your boyfriend mentions his ex-girlfriends.


  • Do not try to be clever, when you do not understand the topic. Do not behave arrogantly in communication with men. In general, do not consider yourself better or more interesting than others, regardless of their gender. Especially comical looks, when a girl does not really understand something, but argues about it. This is a deliberately failed tactic. Still men do not really like it when a lady urges to discuss a topic in which the man himself is not very strong.


Especially when the man made it clear that we should not discuss this further, but a woman does not stop and presses. A man should feel good, and ladies themselves, without realizing it, can sometimes put the boyfriend in an awkward position. By the way, to the question of an embarrassing situation: do not ask the man how much he earns. Especially if a woman earns more and in every way wants to emphasize this. This additional knowledge will not help anyone, you will not be praised for it once again, it will only cause confusion in your already fragile relationship. Attention, the question: why do you need extra problems in your relationship?


  1. Do not be enthusiastic about other men in the presence of your man. No, admiring others men and their talents is quite natural, but you do not need to do this demonstratively in communicating with your man. Your partner will immediately feel that you admire someone more than him, and can even think that you are comparing him to someone not in his favor. Nobody likes comparisons.
  2. His family is a taboo. You should not speak negatively about his friends and close people in any case, especially about his mother. Do not tell your man that all his friends are terribly boring. It is extremely delicate to comment on the appearance of your partner, especially if you think that he needs to make some changes. Remember how painful you perceive criticism in your address. This also concerns his hobbies. Even if you think that he just wastes time, be silent.
  3. Do not talk with hints. Men do not understand hints. Moreover, men are unnerved by the lack of logic and expediency in the conversation. Ask specific questions. It is important to talk about what you want, not about what you do not want. Build your speech in creation, not denial.
  4. Leave details. You do not need to tell the guy how often you go on hair removal, inject Botox or consult a cosmetologist. You should leave health and hygiene issues for very private conversations with your friends. The less he knows the better he sleeps.
  5. Public humiliation is bad. Men do not like being laughed at or mocked by their women in public space. Generally, under no circumstances. Men like women who in public represent them like kings, and not henpecked without their own opinion. Men are very fragile and vulnerable beings.
  6. Silence is gold. Always remember this and smile.

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