10 Ways Women Act When They Don’t Love You Anymore

 Understanding women isn’t easy and the fact that they can hide their emotions pretty well just makes deciphering them harder. When women give up on a relationship, they will be hesitant to be vocal about it until the very end. What they will do is show subtle signs of dissatisfaction for you to pick up on. If you can’t see these red flags and don’t act quickly enough, fixing the relationship could be beyond hope. Here are 10 warning signs to look out for when she’s not in love with you anymore:

Communication is the most vital key behind the survival of any relationship. Whether you’re relationship has its ups and downs or not, when communication fizzles out there is no hope of bringing the relationship back to life. A couple who communicate with each other about the things that are bothering them, relationship wise or other, are more likely to survive a rough patch as compared to partners who shut each other out.

Women love to talk and usually take the responsibility of making small talk at home. They have a dozen things on their mind and cannot wait to share details of what happened at work or at home during the day over dinner with you.

If you feel that conversations have bubbled down to almost being non-existent and that you are the only one raking your mind for things to talk about, then there is definitely something more serious at play than just ‘I’m too tired to talk’. While it could mean that it is her way of telling you that she’s mad, but if she continues to be like that without telling you why or communicating about what’s bothering her then be very worried.

Has she suddenly started acting as if everything about you is bothering her? Does she give you annoyed glances when you are doing things you normally do in routine? Does she seem constantly agitated in your presence and won’t tell you why? Women are very expressive about how they feel and if they are irritated with you, one way or another they will make sure they get that message across. This kind of behavior isn’t normal and is definitely not healthy.

She could be the cranky type, as we discussed in #3, but she could also be the quiet type. If she just doesn’t bother with your antics anymore and doesn’t get mad at things she normally would get mad at, then these aren’t very healthy signs either.

Don’t assume that she has learnt to accept all the irritating things that you do. It could very well be that she doesn’t find the energy or motivation in herself to invest emotionally in you anymore.

When two people fall in love, and get married, they give each other their hundred percent support as well. That means she’s always there for you, cheering you on and so are you. But if you feel that she has disconnected and only focuses on herself, her work and has made herself a priority then things are heading south. Of course you would want her to be independent and chase her dreams.

She’s an individual and a whole person outside of being married to you but women tend to disconnect with the people they no longer have feelings for. They will shift the focus to themselves and you will slowly fall off their radar entirely.

One of the signs of intimacy that women show is that they aren’t conscious about opening up emotionally in front of you. They will share their greatest fears with you, what they want in the future and are not afraid to let the water works flow freely in front of you.

However, when she stops opening up in front of you and doesn’t let her emotions through any more, it could be a sign that things aren’t working out for her as they did before.

You can tell a woman is head over heels in love with you because she will make you feel that way. She will think of little gestures of love and acts of intimacy to let you know how much you mean to her. Women are great at making their loved ones feel extra special. When she stops loving a man, the very desire to do something special for her SO dies. She just doesn’t bother herself anymore because she isn’t invested in the relationship like she used to be.

Perhaps one of the fieriest red flags is in the bedroom. It is a warning sign if she is always too tired or not in the mood. She pulls away when you try to initiate something and always has a excuse ready. You will know the passion has died and when you two do get down to something, it feels forced and as if she is just going through the ropes of it all. Relationships are in a serious danger when sexual intimacy begins to dwindle.

You may have had the worst week at work but that doesn’t faze her. She has a neutral, bored and what-do-I-care expression on her face as you tell her about your work troubles or share your thoughts on something troublesome.

Your problems are no longer her problems. Where she would previously have shown interest, would have had lengthy discussions and help you solve a problem, now she wishes you would just leave her alone and stop talking.

Women crave attention and they give a lot of attention to their SO as well. If previously, she couldn’t wait to shower you with her undivided attention as soon as you walked in the door (and demanded yours too) but seems distant and disengaged as of recent then it is obviously a warning sign that shallow waters are running deeper than you can swim in here.

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