5 Plants to Clear Your Lungs With Every Breath

 The lungs are organ with a cone shape which are located in the chest cavity, and making up most of the lower respiratory tract. They pass the oxygen into the body and are one of the 5 elimination systems. Briefly said, their role is to provide oxygen to capillaries, so faster that they can oxygenate the blood. It’s worth mentioning that the lungs are one of the largest organs in our bodies, as their tissue is nearly 40 times bigger compared to the body’s outer surface.

It is unfortunate that living in a modern world in which the air is filled with dust, chemicals, pollutants, pollen and various bacteria, they affect the lungs. Put it simply, toxins and seasonal allergies take a toll on our lungs. Deep breathing is one of the basic steps that shall be taken in order to eliminate toxins and promote the health of the lungs. Only ten percent of the body is cleansed through shallow breathing and with deep breathing 80-100 percent of the blood is cleansed. Apart from this, there are many herbal remedies that can also promote lung health. The five herbs that are good for the lungs and that are packed with medicinal properties for lung health, that posses many healing properties and are easy to grow are shown below.

Herbs For Lungs Health That Are Easy to Grow

Oregano – The oregano contains rosmarinic and carvacrol acids, both of which are acting as a natural decongestant agents that can help in clearing out the respiratory tract and the nasal passage. It is as well packed with antioxidants that boost the immunity and also protect against cold and other illnesses. The oregano is a perennial herb that grows back year after year, and it can be grown in both indoors and outdoors. It is best grown into a container due to its invasive nature. The best solution would be to use well-drained soil and keep it exposed to full sun. This herb can be added in many different recipes. About the harvesting, first remove the stems in the morning and store in cool area. Then cut the leaves after a month and put it into a container with tight lid.

Eucalyptus – It contains cineole, which is a compound with powerful healing properties. It can be used as an expectorant in order to alleviate a cough, fight off congestion and soothe sinus passages. Just like the oregano, also the eucalyptus is packed with antioxidants that strengthen tour immune system. In order to relieve a sinus infection, boil the eucalyptus leaves and inhale the steam. It might also be added oil with peppermint and use it as a chest rub. The eucalyptus tree sometimes reaches 60 feet height, so growing a smaller shrub size is better than a bigger one. Put the container near a south facing window so it can get a lot of direct sunlight, and when it outgrows the container, transfer it outdoors.

Peppermint – It is packed with menthol, which is a compound that works as a natural decongestant. It as well provides antihistamine effect which promotes free breathing. It is just as oregano, peppermint is also quite invasive so it is best to grow it into a container, outdoors or indoors. It prefers well-drained soil and partial sun. The peppermint leaves may be used as a herb and added tea tea or some recipes, while the oil could be combined with eucalyptus and used as chest rub.

Lungwort – For long, it has been used to clear congestion and promote lung and respiratory health. In fact, this plant has been used as early as the 1600s. The flower of it is very beautiful, while on the other hand, the plant is extremely resilient.  It prefers shade and is ideal to be grown under trees.  Its leaves can be cooked the same way as spinach.

Elder – The elder has the capability to improve the circulation as well as to open the capillaries, lungs and the blood vessels.  The fruit of elderberry is mouth-water and the flowers can be brewed into delicious tea.  As for growing, plant the elderberry shrubs outside in a soil with a pH between 6 and 8. Other herbs good for the health of our lungs include Mullein, Butterbur, Lobelia, Osha Root, and Chaparral.

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