5 Surprising Symptoms of Diabetes

 What’s diabetes? Diabetes is a condition where the amount of glucose in your blood is too high because your body can’t use it properly. And the main reason for that is because your pancreas doesn’t produce any or enough insulin, to help glucose enter your body’s cells. Or, the insulin produced by your body isn’t working properly. This condition is also known as insulin resistance. Even though this disease is incurable, there are many different homemade remedies to control it and maintain it in the normal level.

According to the latest statistics, more than 380 million people around the world are affected by this health problem. Today, diabetes takes more lives than AIDS and breast cancer combined — claiming the life of 1 American every 3 minutes.  It is a leading cause of blindness, kidney failure, amputations, heart failure and stroke. And remember – if you suffer from diabetes, it’s very important for you to keep your blood sugar levels at normal range, in order to function properly. You should eat healthy and use different prescription or natural medications to relieve the unpleasant symptoms.

In this article we’ll reveal the 5 most unexpected diabetes type 2 symptoms.

  1. Loud and often snoring

Osama Hamdy, MD, the director of inpatient diabetes management at Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston, says that almost 50% of all type 2 diabetes patients complain of sleep-disarrayed breathing. Well, this means that if you notice loud snoring through the night or daytime sleepiness, you should check your sugar levels. A recent study, conducted by group of researchers in Canada, has discovered that 23% of patients who experience moderate or mild sleep apnea are at risk from diabetes in 5 ½ years. But, it’s still unclear how these two conditions are connected but one thing is for sure, there is a link between them. Because of the discontinued breathing our body releases stress hormones are released during the night and this is what’s causing a spike in blood sugar levels.

  1. Unpleasant skin changes

You should be very careful and if you notice any skin changes, then you should know that you’re at risk of diabetes. For example, if you notice dark blemishes on the folds of your skin, usually on the elbows, joints or the back of the neck you need to see a doctor and test your blood sugar level because you could be suffering from diabetes. Sanjiy Saini, MD, a dermatologist in Egarwater, Maryland says that these symptoms could happen due to genetics or hormonal conditions. But, he also says that they could be a symptom of increased blood sugar levels too. Sanjiy Saini says that elevated insulin levels are stimulating the growth of skin cells and melanin, which is a pigment in the cells and gives the dark color of the blemishes. He also mentioned that with a simple blood test can reveal whether the patient is really suffering from diabetes or he just has elevated sugar levels. In either cases the patient needs to adapt his lifestyle to reduce his risk and improve the overall state.

  1. Impaired hearing

Don’t ignore this symptom and if you notice that your hearing isn’t good like it used to be and you need someone to repeat the sentence for you, then you should check your blood sugar levels. A recent study, conducted by group of researchers at the National Institute of Health, has revealed that sudden impaired hearing can be a hidden sign of diabetes. The medical experts claim that diabetes damages the blood vessels and the inner ear nerves, which results in impaired hearing. In the individuals where the blood sugar is raised, the risk of facing some hearing issues is 30% higher than the individuals with normal and healthy sugar levels.

  1. Sudden improvement of the vision

You should be careful and if you notice a sudden eye improvement and you no longer need your glasses, then you should see your doctor. Don’t get too excited, because it’s no miracle, and you could be facing an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Howard Baum, MD, an assistant professor of medicine in the diabetes division at Vanderbilt University, says that even though foggy vision is usually considered a typical diabetes symptom, any sudden change in vision quality can indicate elevated sugar levels. Dr. Baum said that some patients told him that their vision has improved when their blood sugars were raised, and then after they begin treating their diabetes, they needed their glasses again.

  1. Unrelenting itchiness

Don’t ignore this symptom – if you experience constant itching sensations, you need to consult with your doctor right away. You should know that this is also one of the hidden symptoms of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes can cause poor circulation and lead to skin dryness and itchiness. Dr. Howard also adds that some of his newly diagnosed patients revealed that they are experiencing an itching sensation in their extremities. And this is why, he highly recommends that the doctors should consider the relation between itchiness and other symptoms. If you’ve noticed excruciating itchiness which doesn’t go away visit a doctor and get your blood sugar levels tested. As we said, don’t ignore these early warning signs and symptoms, and if you notice any of them – you should visit your doctor immediately. We really hope you find this article helpful and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. Thank You.

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