8 Hand Signs Yoga Masters Use To Get Rid Of Migraines, Anxiety, And Depression

 Yoga is very popular all around the world. It makes people feel better and happier. Western medical science recommends regular yoga practice because it can increase the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system. Exactly this system is in control of the “rest and digest” mode of our body and that why practicing yoga can cause to feel more relaxed.

If you suffer from depression, anxiety, concentration and memory issues, you can hit yoga mat. It will bring benefits to your mental well – being. Also, yoga isn’t about twisting your body in some impossible shapes and doing incredible poses, it’s about mediation, your breath and make greater your awareness.

Mudras are hand and finger gestures that we can adopt during meditation or pranayama (breathing exercises). They are considered to be ritual gestures. We can often see mudras in ancient scripts, Hindu and Buddhist images.

These 8 powerful yoga hand mudras can be a great therapy:

1. Gyan Mudra – Mudra of Knowledge

It makes better our memory and concentration. Mudra of knowledge raises the pituitary and endocrine glands and it can be insomnia killer. Usually, this mudra is used during meditation. Touch the tip of your index finger against the tip of the thumb and the other three fingers should be stretched out. You can practice this mudra any time of the day in sitting, standing or lying down, but morning might be the best option.

2. Vayu Mudra – Mudra of Air

If you suffering from Parkinson’s disease, chronic rheumatic conditions, gout, cervical spondylitis and arthritis mudra of air is the right choice because it can be very beneficial. Phalanges are the bones that each finger has it (every finger has 3 bones, the only thumb only has two). First, you should fold your index finger and put the base of your thumb against its distal phalanx. You should feel small pressure when the thumb comes over the index finger. The other three fingers should be stretched as much possible. It can be practiced any time of the day, on a full or empty stomach.

3. Prithvi Mudra – Mudra of Earth

It is especially good when you are feeling stressed out and exhausted. Mudra of Earth reduces weakness and improves blood circulation naturally. This mudra helps to digestion system. The tip of the thumb and the tip of your ring finger touch. While pressing this tips together, the other three fingers remain stretched out. Perform this mudra in the morning for more effects, but other times of the day it’s ok, too.

4. Agni Mudra – Mudra of Fire

This mudra is also known as Surya Mudra (Mudra of the Sun). It stimulates the thyroid gland and if you have problems with weight, digestion or anxiety it can be very helpful. When you bend your ring finger you should press the base of your thumb against its second phalanx. In this performing, the rest of the fingers should be stretched out. The best way is to be performed in a sitting position, on an empty stomach and only in the mornings. If the weather is very hot don’t overdo it.

5. Varun Mudra – Mudra of Water

It has positive effects on the skin and helps to regulate fluids in the body. The tips of the thumb and little finger should be lightly touched. The other fingers remain straight. Be careful while performing this mudra because you can be dehydrated if you touch near the nail on the little finger. Also, avoid this posture if you have asthma. The Mudra can be performed any time of the day, in a sitting position.

6. Shunya Mudra – Mudra of Emptiness

If you have hearing problems mudra of emptiness is very useful for you. It can also help with an earache. First bend your middle finger, then place your thumb over it and press the distal phalanx of your middle finger with the base of the thumb. You should keep other fingers as straight as possible. You should be very concentrated while you are trying to cure an earache.

7. Prana Mudra – Mudra of Life

It balances the body’s energy. Mudra of Life revitalizes the body and improves its immunity. It is good for insomnia and eyesight problems. Touch the tip of your thumb with the tips of the little and ring finger. The other two fingers are kept straight. The mudra can be practiced any time of the day. You can feel more active if you perform this mudra regularly.

8. Apanu Vaya Mudra – Mudra of the Heart

This mudra strengthens the heart. If you suffered a heart attack mudra of the heart is the best for you. Tips of the ring finger and middle finger touch the tip of the thumb. The index finger touches the base of the thumb and applies light pressure while little finger is stretched out. This position should be practiced as often as you can. If you have heart problems, hold for at least 15 minutes.

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