Five Liver Cleansing Drinks That Will Effectively Detox Your Body
Every liver requires regular cleanses in order to process the detoxification process regularly. Its main function is to detoxify the body and produce enzymes and chemicals that help maintain proper overall health.
When the regular function of the liver undergo changes alike increased cholesterol levels, disrupted SGOT, increased triglycerides, and disrupted SGPT levels, this state is known as fatty liver. Please find below our 5 best liver cleansing drinks that will surely improve your liver function in no time:
Celery & Parsley Juice
The “antioxidants” drink contains carotenoids, Flavonoids, Vitamins and Minerals necessary for healthy cellular function.
When the goodness of Parsley is combined with the of potency Celery, it converts to amazing detox drink.
- 6 Stems of Celery
- 5 Cups of water
- Chopped mint leaves
- Half cup Parsley (chopped )
- 4 tbsp lemon juice
Put all the ingredients in the blender and blend it completely, extract the juice and take it empty stomach in the morning.
Coriander and Lemon water
Coriander leaves are alkaline and as a superfood for healing Fatty liver and obesity and also improves skin quality too, followed with visible improvements. It also fights cancer and free radicals in the body. By mixing it with lemon we get a powerfull fat burn drink.
- Coriander leaves (handfull)
- 1 lemon squeezed
- Half a glass water
Lemon & Ginger Water
Ginger holds an ingredient named as Gingerol, it gives anti-oxidant and Anti-inflammatory properties to ginger, this strengthens the digestive system.
Lemon juice is pure laxative and it’s generally used as a morning drink to ease digestion and fight constipation, it also has an alkalizing effect on the body.
- 2 tbsp Lemon juice
- Half Inch Ginger
Grab a glass of water and extract the ginger juice. Stir the lemon and ginger juice, then add the chopped mint leaves. Take this drink once daily.
Dandelion root tea
The nutritious Dandelion roots are loaded with minerals and vitamins and minerals needed for healthy cellular work. It also contains high volumes of Beta-Carotene, and last but not least it holds anti-inflammatory properties.
To consume this detox tea I advise using the tea bag as this way you have the exact and best dosage.
Turmeric Liver Cleaner
Turmeric is ancient food and has positive effects on many systems of the body. It contains an element named “Curcumin”, which holds anti-inflammatory properties.
- Half tablespoon of Turmeric
- 2 tablespoon of Lemon juice
- Half inch grated ginger
- Half a glass of water
While the water boils and adds the turmeric along with ginger. Then remove it from the heat, and let the water cool down, add the lemon juice on the end.
Additional Tips For Effective Liver Cleanse
- Drink at least 8 glasses of water
- Include lots of green cruciferous veggies in your diet, they restore the liver cells.
- Try intermittent fasting, suggested is 12-hour fasting.
- Avoid meat, milk and butter.
- Have a 30-minute walk each day.
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