Science Explains What Happens To Your Body When You Don’t Poop Every Day

 Constipation is a common, yet continuously threatening condition. The inability to process foods can inflame the intestines, which then creates blockages in the bowel, hence the constipation. Characterized by severe pain, bleeding, and discomfort, constipation can pose a serious threat to your health.

Dehydration, poor dieting, and insufficient exercise make some of the factors which can trigger constipation.

Still, speaking of the importance of dealing with constipation is an urgent matter, as most don’t realize what the body suffers when constipation strikes. In an effort to shed light on the subject, here is how your body can react when affected by constipation.

Severe Constipation and Its Symptoms on the Body!

1. Hemorrhoids

Being unable to poop every day can easily upset the entire bowel movement. When we don’t poop regularly, our body muscles tense, making it impossible for fecal material to leave the body.

In addition, the veins regulating the release of poop can become inflamed and overstretched, which then makes their performance weaker, or nonexistent.

Poor Appetite

People who don’t go ‘number two’ often, can face some form of an appetite loss. As the body is unable to process and eliminate fecal material naturally, it begins to suppress your appetite instead. Shortly put, if you don’t eat anything, you’ll have nothing to process and eliminate.

3. Skin Issues

Although seemingly odd, constipation can lead to a variety of skin issues. From puffiness, zits, and breakouts to rashes, acne and dark bags under your eyes, constipation takes its tall for sure.

As the flora in your gut is upset, your skin will be the first to misbehave, showing you an obvious indication of constipation.

4. Headaches

Stress can not only cause constipation but can have the condition manifest through headaches. As pooping is a normal body process, headaches occur when there is an issue in releasing the toxic material.

Also, the physical effort you put into fighting constipation can cause headaches with ease. Finally, these types of migraines can have to do with dehydration, which is yet another constipation cause.

5. Bad Breath

A Danish study explained that constipation can cause a bad breath, seen in 25 percent of the people studies, all of whom experienced constipation in some form.

Not just this one, but other studies, too, explain how bad breath is common for individuals suffering constipation, which is sort of…yuck?!

6. An*l Fissures

The pressure to release feces can cause a tearing in the an*l ring. Medically, this condition is known as an*l fissure. The side effects of it include bleeding, pain in the area and an itching sensation.

Also, fissures make it harder for the toxins to leave the body and can aggravate constipation even further. In both adults and children, it is best to seek medical help should the condition worsen.

7. Impaction

As the stool cannot leave the gut, you are likely to experience congestion. Also, in such cases, the stool becomes thicker and harder, thus creating a hurdle.

Of course, this hurts the colon and large intestines, which cannot hold the waste trapped for a longer time. Some of the side effects of impaction include pain and vomiting, which may urge you to the hospital.

8. Rectal Prolapse

The rect*m connects the colon and the an*s, and in cases of constipation, it obstructs the bowel movement and can stretch out the an*s, making it to the surface.

Although commonly only part of the rect*m protrude to the outside, severe forms of constipation can push the entire rect*m outside the body.

9. Loss of Fecal Control

Voluntarily passing the stool can become an impossibility in cases of constipation. This mostly happens with applying pressure on the an*s, thus damaging the nearby nerves and weakening the muscles.

This can also lead to a harder stool or an overly-leaking stool, but a loss of fecal control nonetheless.

10. Fatigue.

Constipation and fatigue go hand in hand. In some cases, fatigue and constipation combined can indicate an additional health problem happening in the body. The biggest reason for this is malnutrition or malabsorption of nutrients in the gut.

11. Bladder Control

The bladder and colon are more connected than we care to believe. In fact, the colon may pressure the bladder, an occurrence which can very well lead to leaks or urges to the bathroom.

In other cases, there is a danger of damaging the pelvic floor muscles, which will affect proper bladder control even more.

What Causes Constipation?

Constipation can have many causes, some of which we mentioned above. Along with dehydration and physical strain, some of the remaining causes of constipation include:

  • Pain meds
  • Antidepressants
  • Anticonvulsants
  • Excessive consumption of iron supplements
  • Calcium-blocking meds
  • Aluminum-rich antacids
  • Choosing to withhold poop instead of going to the bathroom regularly
  • Low-fiber diet
  • Laxatives
  • Certain hormonal imbalances.

Medically neglected, constipation is not a light condition, and may even require medical attention. Having in mind all these facts, pooping regularly and eating right will definitely result in a healthier gut, intestines and bowel movement.

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