There Are 2 Types Of Thumbs, Choose Yours And See What Kind Of Person You Are

 Palmistry is a fun and interesting technique in which fortune tellers of the past were said to be able to reveal something about one’s personality simply by looking at their hands.


While the validity of palmistry is not supported up by science, it is interesting to find out what story our hands, or in this case, our thumbs can tell. Even Alexander the great, when showed palm reading by Aristotle, used it to choose his high ranking military generals and used it to guide many of his important decisions. Palm reading has an inviting charm that entices one’s curiosity.
Take a look at your thumb, and then read below to find out what it says about you.

Thumb 1: The Top Half Is Bigger Than The Bottom Half


If this is your thumb, then you are likely someone whose dreams are bigger than most of the other people you know. You reach for the stars and your desire to excel is present in all that you do. Even during times of relaxation, you’re usually planning your next move and how to better your life.
Your determination to succeed is one of your strengths, but it’s also easy to overthink and to become slightly obsessed with certain goals. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, just remember to maintain balance in your life, and to always take care of yourself and the people you love. Nurture yourself with love, and you’ll surely grow to live the life your heart has always imagined.

Thumb 2: The Bottom Half Of The Thumb Is Bigger Than The Top Half


If your thumb is similar to thumb #2, then you are the kind of person who is both humble and kind. You are considerate of others, and often go out of your way to help someone, even when they cannot help you back. You stay rooted in your heart, and while you aren’t doing it for attention, your beautiful personality shines through everything you do.
You also deeply appreciate and value the little things in life. You can find joy and peace in simple things such as seeing a rainbow, seeing a baby smile, or even when a loved one gives you a hug or holds your hand. You’ve learned that the truly important things in life are not material or financial, but are those which your heart knows are important: the well-being of your family, friends, loved ones and of the people around you. Your stability proves to be quite a relief for those close to you, and it’s likely many people come to and count on you when the going gets tough. The world would be a better place with more people like you in it.

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