After Reading This You’ll Never Throw Out an Avocado Seed Again

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The flesh of an avocado (Persea americana) is already amazing. It is one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet, containing 20 different vitamins and minerals that can help prevent obesity, heart disease, osteoporosis, cancer, and depression, but did you know that the seed of the avocado makes the flesh of this stone fruit pale in comparison? 70 percent of the antioxidants, amino acids, and other healing plant compounds are in the seed!


After reading further, and learning how to consume the seeds of avocados which contain one of the highest sources of bioactive compounds imaginable, you’ll never want to throw them out again.

Here are just a few things the seeds of avocados can do for you:


  •  They’ve been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years for ailments such as monorrhagia, hypertension, stomach ache, bronchitis, diarrhea, and diabetes.
  •     The Mayans used the leaves, fruit, bark, seed and peel for different health promoting actions.
  •     The seed alone contains high levels of Vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids that prevent against neurodegenerative disease, like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, cataracts, and rampant free radical damage.
  •     The active plant compounds found in the seed include: Peptone, b-galactoside, glycosylated abscisic acid, alkaloids, cellulose, polygalacto urease, polyuronoids, cytochrome P-450, phenolic compounds, and volatile oils all contribute to the prevention of cellular aging.
  •     In a study published in the journal Pharmaceutical Biology, researchers from the University of Antioquia in Medellin, Colombia found that extract from avocado fruit and seeds caused leukemia cells to self-destruct. Another study, published in the Cancer Research Journal found that avocado seeds contain a compound called vocation B which has proven to be extremely effective against acute myeloid leukemia. It was proven to be more effective than 800 other natural health products which were tested.
  •     They greatly boost our immune systems. Avocado seeds are rich in antioxidants like procyandis and catehchins which have anti-inflammatory properties. A whole list of diseases is caused due to a poorly functioning inflammatory response, from cardio disease, to depression, to cancer. These little seeds halt an over-active inflammatory response. Avocado seeds fight diseases caused by microbes, fungus, and parasites.
  •     The high levels of amino acids in avocado seeds prevent excess cholesterol and trigylcerides to prevent coronary disease. “Any heart disease patient must eat the avocado including the seed,” says Tom Wu.
  •     They are fat burning: avocado seeds contain more fat burners that the fruit’s pulp. It also contains soluble fiber, which improves the intestinal tract and makes you feel satisfied so that you don’t overeat.
  •     They are considered an aphrodisiac and increase libido.
  •     They ease arthritis and joint pain.
  •     The high levels of antioxidants and Omega 3 fatty acids reduce stress and curb depression.
  •     Avocado seeds halt cancerous tumor growth.
  •     Prevent epilepsy.
  •     Can be used to prevent blemishes on the skin.
  •     Extracts from avocado seeds can regulate thyroid disorders.
  •     They boost collagen formation in the skin.
  •     Avocado seeds are the ideal supplement for those who suffer from asthma.

Here’s how to eat avocado seeds to get all these amazing benefits:

First, allow your avocado pit or seed to dry out for approximately a week once it has been removed from the fruit. Then, remove the fine layer around the seed which separates it from the flesh of the avocado. Use a cheese grater, coffee grinder, or food processor, and grate the seed. If you like, you can also brown it with avocado, coconut, or olive oil on very low heat. This will cause the seed to take on a reddish color, but the browning part isn’t necessary to consume it.

You can either sprinkle the grated avocado seed on salads, rice, and vegetable dishes, use it in smoothies, or make an infusion by boiling the grated seed for a few minutes and then letting it sit to cool. Once it has cooled down you can simply sip on the avocado seed “tea” you’ve made throughout the day.

You can also mix the avocado seed with a little coconut oil to use as a topical for great skin and hair, or to reduce joint and muscle pain.

Avocado seed is contraindicated if you are nursing or pregnant.

The only precautions are to drink plenty of water, because the seeds contain tannins which can cause constipation. If you are eating plenty of soluble fiber, and stay hydrated, this shouldn’t be a problem, though.

Avocado seeds also contain a substance (fungicidal toxin) called persin which is toxic to animals, but not especially so to people, so don’t feed them to your pets! As long as they are eaten in small quantities, avocado pits do not cause harm to humans.

There have been no adverse health reports on eating avocado seeds, as it is a relatively newly re-discovered practice, but with this being said, there also has been little research on eating them whole and much more on the compounds within them. Though there is ample research about these benefits in lab trials, please do research the topic yourself before you decide to eat your avocado pits.

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