DIY Natural oil treatment for Baldness

 Baldness is a common condition that occurs to almost all age groups. The reasons can be many like aging, improper hair care, using hair dyes, going for chemical hair treatments and many. The list goes on and you eventually will lose your hair.



Therefore treating your hair properly is needed to not just regrow hair by getting rid of baldness but also to avoid certain hair problems such as the dry scalp, dandruff, weak strands, hair loss, and hair greying.


In order to avoid such hair problems, there are several solutions from using hair products to the natural ways of getting rid of baldness. However, choosing a hair care product is never easy. Most of the hair products available in the markets are loaded with chemicals which can worsen your hair problems. So, natural remedies are the best solution for any problem. Though they take a certain amount of time to yield the best results, natural remedies are great alternatives.


Scroll down to know about the incredible natural oil treatment to get rid of baldness.


DIY Natural Oil Treatment for Baldness


Required Ingredients

  • 3 Tbsp Coconut Oil
  • 3 Tbsp Castor Oil
  • 3 Tbsp Fenugreek seeds Oil



You can use homemade natural oils for this process. If you’re looking to buy organic and natural hair oils, here you go.


  • Coconut Oil 
  • Castor Oil 
  • Fenugreek seeds Oil


  1. In a mixing bowl, add three tablespoons each of the three oils – Coconut, Castor and Fenugreek seeds oil.
  2. Give a good stir to blend the oils.
  3. Now, apply the oil to your entire scalp and then run through the roots of your hair.
  4. After applying massage your hair for a few minutes to stimulate blood circulation.
  5. Then cover your hair with a shower cap for about 3 hours.
  6. Later, rinse off with a mild cleanser and don’t forget to condition your hair.


Coconut oil is responsible to nourish your scalp and hair. It also makes your hair smoother, healthier, shinier, and thicker. Castor oil has great hair growth boosting properties. It strengthens the roots and makes your hair stronger. Whereas, Fenugreek oil stimulates follicles by penetrating deep into the hair follicles. It also has hair growth in boosting properties.

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