How to Get Rid of Neck Fat: 7 Double Chin Exercises & Makeup Tutorials
If you’ve noticed a double chin when you look in the mirror, you might be wondering how to get rid of it. Although double chins can occur due to weight gain, you don’t have to be overweight to have a double chin. And luckily there are awesome double chin exercises as well as makeup tricks you can do to slim your face naturally! Ready to transform your double chin? Check out our best tips!
What is a Double Chin?
Also known as submental fat, a double chin is an extra layer of fat that develops beneath the chin and neck. It’s often associated with age and weight gain, but not everyone with a double chin is overweight. If your skin loses its elasticity, it can’t hold the fat around your chin firmly, which can happen when you age and start to lose muscle.
What Causes a Double Chin?
1. Genetics
Genetics can play a key role in your double chin. If you have a family history of double chins or chins that have little elasticity, it could make you more likely to develop one.
2. Age
As your body ages, your skin can start to lose elasticity. This can lead to saggy skin, which can result in a double chin.
3. Diet and Weight
Weight gain doesn’t always lead to a double chin, but it can contribute to one. If you have a diet with high calories, processed foods and unhealthy fats, it could lead to a double chin.
4. Bad Posture
Did you know that your posture can also contribute to a double chin? Bad posture can weaken the muscles around the neck and chin, having the same effect as ageing does.
2 Double Chin Treatment Options
1. CoolSculpting
CoolSculpting uses the power of cooling technology to target and eliminate fat. An applicator is used to safely and painlessly freeze fat cells and over a few weeks, 25% of those fat cells die and are naturally eliminated from your body. They recently launched a mini CoolSculpting applicator to treat double chins!
2. Kybella
Kybella is a prescription medicine used to improve the appearance of a double chin. At each treatment, a Kybella-trained specialist will give you multiple small injections under your chin, depending on the amount of fat you have and your desired outcome. Kybella destroys fat cells, so once you reach your desired aesthetic goal, you’re not expected to have any further treatments.
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