10 Healthy Relationship Habits For a Long-Lasting Relationship


Happy Couples Practice These Healthy Relationship Habits





Let me tell you a story about June and John and their healthy relationship habits.


June and John are the real names of the couple that lives in the house next to ours.


June and John are in their 70s, and when you see them, there’s only one thought in your head:


“They are meant for each other.”


Just imagine.


He is witty and sometimes grumpy, he loves his garden and waters it 4 times a day during the summer days.


Her best time of the day is when she sits down on the sofa with a book in her hands.


They both shout after their naughty dog every day. I’ve never heard them arguing, but I guess after almost 50 years of marriage that’s something you can’t measure – most elderly people just mumble something short and powerful to make their spouse get the point.


I’ve never seen any of them alone


My office has a view of the street, and I could see them going out on a walk every morning.


Holding hands.


He supports her gently and slows down while she slightly limps crossing the street. Their children visit them every weekend and stay for lunch or dinner.


June and John walk them out to the car after the meal and repeat at least 10 times “Bye-Bye”, even after the car already takes the turn at the end of the street.


Then, John lets June go back inside first, and the door shuts behind them, holding the memories of a secret we all want to know.


The secret of having a successful and happy relationship that leads to a long marriage.




Every time I tell myself:


“I want that too! I want the walks. I want a beautiful garden. I want children that visit us weekly. I agree to limp while walking down the street as long as I feel the support of my man. I want a long marriage and even after 50 years of life together to still appreciate and help each other. I want it!

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