12 Facts About Farting You Probably Didn’t Know!

 It can be really embarrassing to fart in public, however, if it happens with close friends and family members, then you can usually make a joke about it.




Still, there are situations when farts can be super annoying. However, you need to realize they are bodily functions, same as hiccups and burping


Yet, there is more about them to know then just being funny and smelly. Thus, we are here to present you with some facts about farts that you probably might not have known.


Some Facts About Farting


1. While we sleep during the night is the time when most of the farting is happening.

2. Women fart less than men.

3. Female’s farts have a higher concentration of hydrogen sulfide and this is why they stink more but they are healthier to smell.

4. Farts are made of hydrogen sulfide and this is why they are healthy for smelling.

5.  Gum and soda and more of it can make one person fart more.

6. The average number of how many times a person farts per day is 14 times.

7. The lounder farts usually come from a tight sphincter.

8. Termites are the animals that produce the most farts. Then come the cows, camels, elephants, dogs (retrievers and labs), zebras and sheep.

9. People should not be embarrassed if it happens to fart in front of other people. This means that you are a healthy individual. In fact, if you do not fart at all you should seek medical help.

10. Farts go 10 ft/s

11. The average 14 farts a day can fill up a balloon.

12. The word fart was coined in 1962 and it means a wind from the anus.

That is all about farts. As you can see there is more to farts that what you have heard. Also, it is healthy to do it, so do not shy away.

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