6 Habits You Really Should Avoid Doing In The Morning

 Here are 6 morning habits you should stop doing immediately so you can hit the ground running and enjoy your day!



6 Habits You Need To Avoid Doing In The Morning


1. Stop Pressing The Snooze Button — It’s Bad For Your Health.


We’re all doing it, yet we don’t recognize the awful side effects of how snoozing and sleeping in can hinder our health.

According to this sleep study, it has found some disturbing reasons why the snooze button is really bad for you. That just battling your alarm on a regular basis will make you feel more exhausted, and even worse, sleep horribly at night.


Poor sleep will mess with hundreds of cells in your body which can lead to increased tension, weakened immunity, and increased inflammatory swelling in your joints.


So if you already sleep terribly at night or if you find your mornings feeling a little off or fatigued, the snooze button could be the culprit.

2. Don’t Take Those Long Hot Showers You Enjoy.

Yes, it’s very comforting to take long hot showers, everyone loves a long hot shower but according to these sleep doctors, you have to leave those hot showers for your evening rituals instead.

A long hot shower (although very relaxing), will reduce your heart rate. When it does this it’ll make you feel much more inclined for a rest shortly after.


Plus, we all know how important it is for us to diminish any fatigue in the mornings.


So opt to take a slightly cooler shower,  to not only help wake your body up better but to have a better start for your day.

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3. Avoid Scrolling Social Media First Thing.


Since we are always inundated with information at all different angles and hours.

Social media scrolling is something that you might want to reconsider doing after you first wake up!


In fact, whatever caught your eye first thing after you awoke, according to this study, they say it’s best to leave this little habit for your lunch break and/or in the early evening hours when you’re home from work.


If you don’t avoid this morning habit you could be damaging your mental health.


Instead try spending 10, 20, or 30 plus minutes doing something that feeds your mind, body, and soul, rather then endlessly scrolling before your busy day.

You can easily swap out scrolling for some meditation or yoga, and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea while listening to some calming music.


This will set your day off to a great start if you swap out social media for something useful and nourishing.


4. Avoid Drinking Coffee Really Early, Especially If You Still Feel Sleepy.


When it comes to making grave errors in the morning, try not to mess with Mother Nature by drinking coffee, especially just after you first wake up.

Because if you are drinking caffeine right after your feet hit the floor, you will actually slow down the natural production of cortisol — the hormone that helps wake you up faster and more organically.


According to this research study, the perfect time to drink caffeine is after 9:30 a.m or a half-hour after they first wake up.


5. Breakfast Is Still One Of The Most Important Meals Of The Day — Don’t Skip It.


If you would like to have an optimal morning routine — one that you can rely on — breakfast is still going to be one of the most important meals of the day.

In fact, the nutritional side effects for skipping breakfast include increased risk of heart disease, susceptibility to weight gain, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and high cholesterol.


It’s pretty obvious that a healthy morning breakfast plan — that never involves leaving the house hungry — is one of the best things you can implement within your morning routine.


Try creating simple meal plans, having your favorite go-to essentials ready for each morning, or keep your fridge stocked and ready to go for healthy snacking on the go.

6.  If You’d Like To Regain Some Of Your Time Back, Stop Stressing Over Your Clothes In The Morning.


One of the biggest time wasters this planet has ever witnessed is wasting time, changing in and out of clothes,  whilst figuring out what to wear.

Since we all know that figuring out what to wear can be completely avoided by easily selecting what to wear the evening before,why do we forget?


It’s because we haven’t gotten used to how great this little night ritual is yet!


Because if you don’t forget, you will have one less morning problem solved.

So say goodbye to those busy mornings, throwing clothes everywhere, to more bliss and organization from the moment you wake up to the moment you leave the house!


There you have it. Isn’t it great to know that you can change out these small and totally avoidable morning habits, to start your day off right?


Plus, a shift in bad habits really does lead to more positive changes in life.


So start replacing a few of these little morning culprits and see if you notice a difference in how your mornings are spent!

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