After Reading This, You Will Not Go to Bed Without a Lemon in Your Socks

 Yes, we know it sounds a bit weird, but don’t say anything before you try it. When you see its amazing effects, you will try this amazing trick tonight, before you go to sleep – trust me. We all know that one of the first signs that the long winter days are over, and the hot spring and summer days are coming – are the dry and cracked heels.




Yes, and there are many different expensive creams, rubbing stones and other u useful tricks, but they all require a lot of effort, they are too expensive and persistence. And the worst thing about these methods and creams is that they won’t provide the effect we all want.


Well, this actually means that you should try this simple lemon trick – tonight, before you go to sleep. This lemon treatment is very simple and easy to make, and it will make your feet beautiful and soft again. Just follow the simple instructions.


Here’s what you need to do: make sure you get a bigger lemon. The lemon should be large enough to cover the entire heel. Take the lemon and cut in half. Don’t waste the lemon, you should use it to make a fresh and delicious lemonade for you and your family. But, don’t throw away the lemon peel, because that’s the main ingredient for this cracked-heel treatment.


When you squeeze the lemon juice, you should be careful and make sure the pulp is still inside. Then, you need to put the lemon halves on your heels. Note: the lemon halves should cover your heels completely. You may feel strange at the beginning, but you’ll get used to it.


Make sure you cover the roughest parts of the feet with the lemon peel and wear socks so as to keep them in place. Now, you need to leave the lemon on your heels for at least an hour, but you will get the best results out of this treatment if you leave it on overnight. You will be amazed by the results. The lemon juice will work as a chemical peeling and remove the cracked and dry skin.

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