How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks On Your Bum, Thigh, And Hips ( Stretch Marks Causes)

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Stretch marks are those fine lines or disfiguring lesions that are very common on the body parts such as butts, hips, thighs, stomach and upper breasts.


In this post we are going to look at Stretch Marks Causes and how to get rid of stretch mark on your bum, thigh, and hips.


Stretch marks on the skin may not be linked with any underlying disease, but the sight of it is never a good one to gaze upon.


Stretch marks are not known to cause any health risk, but is capable of creating anxiety for you.


Those stretchings does not only appear with age or affect a particular gender. Stretch marks can be seen on the skin of both male and female.


Normally, stretchmark happens when the skin is pulled by rapid growth. Skin elasticity can be the said to be the major reason that causes skin tissues to break or pulled.


Usually, females have more stretch marks than male. Some of the parts of the female body such as butt, thighs, hips and the upper breast are the common places stretch marks are seen.


If you Ever wondered “Why do I have stretch marks?” just have these in mind


Stretch marks can affect both old and young. For the younger ones, stretch marks starts to appear as they reach puberty stage. It can occur in any parts of the body.


Even though stretch marks are not linked with any underlying ailment, however, it may appear suddenly as a result of some underlying factors.


When Do Stretch Marks Appear?


Some of these factors are the main reasons you’re having those stretch marks SUDDENLY surface on any part of the body.


The factors can include but not limited to any of the following:


  • Sudden weight gain


Weight gain is one of the underlying factors for stretch marks. Usually, stretch marks appear on areas where an excess fat is stored. In females, the butt, thighs and hips, are the most common places where stretch marks appear. While in male, it can be seen on their arms and back.




An obsessed person is most likely to have stretch marks. Remember, stretch marks appear on areas where much fat is stored.


Stretch Marks Causes, What Causes Stretch Marks on Buttocks, Thighs, Hips?


It is very vital to note that stretch marks is not a disease nor an infection. They only appear on the body due to certain factors which some of have been listed already.


However, some of the causes of the appearance of stretchmark can include any of the following:


  • Hormones: Hormones plays a very key factor in the human body especially, the female hormones.


Basically the hormones can make the collagen and elastin fibers to tear when the skin is pulled.


  • Puberty


It is no surprise to see younger people having stretch marks on their body. During this stage of their lives, it is very common to see stretch marks.


  • Weight lifting


Because, stretch marks occurs from rapid physical growth, which weight lifting is one of such ways. Usually, this happens when the collagen can’t keep up with the stretching skin.


  • Pregnancy


In some women, they only notice the appearance of stretch marks when they are pregnant or after child birth.


It is also very common to see the appearance of stretch mark during this period. Normally, stretch marks appear when there is an extreme growth.


Before we move on the treatment for stretch marks first look how long does it take for stretch marks to fade away.


One question still remains unanswered:


Can You Get Stretch Marks From Losing Weight?


Yes, weight loss can lead to stretch marks due to the excess and over stretched skin that will appear after an individual has lost all the weight.

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