What Are The Physical Warning Signs Of Stress In Women?

 Did you know that stress can manifest itself into physical symptoms as well as mental or emotional symptoms? Remember, these symptoms aren’t always a sign of stress, but they do typically mean something is going on in your body and it’s worth looking into. Be sure to look out for any physical warning signs of stress in women. If you do experience any of the symptoms below, there are various stress management skills that can help you.




Do You Recognize The Physical Warning Signs of Stress?
It has been found that 77% people under stress experience physical symptoms. Stress is a tricky condition, but it impacts us all. Educating yourself about the common signs of stress is the first step towards managing it. Hopefully this list gave you some signs to watch out for.
Be on the lookout…
If you are not aware of some of the common signs and symptoms of stress, you might not realize how often you experience it on a physical level instead of just mentally or emotionally. Here are some physical impacts of stress you should be aware of.
General Physical Symptoms of Stress in Women
If you are feeling stressed out, there are some general physical signs you may be experiencing. These are some of the general warning signs of stress in women. There are various stress management skills you can learn to lessen your symptoms.
Gastrointestinal Warning Signs of Stress in Women
Gastrointestinal problems are very common among people that experience issues with stress. For example, you may have nausea where you can’t eat, or find that you have sharp stomach pains.
… nausea, vomiting, not hungry…
You might find that food is hard to digest on days when you have a lot of work or financial stress. You could have constipation when you have high amounts of stress, or the opposite and experience diarrhea. All of this is actually very common.
Cardiovascular Warning Signs of Stress in Women
Your cardiovascular system consists of your blood vessels and heart, so this is another important part of your body to keep healthy. Have you thought of keeping a stress journal? If you do, you might find that you have a rapid heartbeat from acute stress, such as when you have a fight with your significant other or a close friend gets into a vehicle accident. This could be a sign that the stress is causing a cardiovascular response.
Cardiovascular problems can also be very dangerous for you, so it is important that you keep your stress under control. If your chest hurts every time you deal with a certain person in your life, it is time to cut communication with them as they are causing a little too much stress for your emotional well being.
Respiratory Warning Signs of Stress in Women
Your respiratory system can also be affected by high levels of stress. This can be dangerous if you don’t get it treated. You may find that your throat feels like it is closing up when you are extremely stressed or when something bad happens, you can’t quite catch your breath.
Stress can also make issues like asthma a lot worse when you have acute or chronic stress. Since these can affect your overall well being, it is important to consult a doctor. The doctor may find that your stress is causing the respiratory issues. This is actually good news because there are natural ways to relieve your stress.
Specific Physical Symptoms of Stress in Women
Physical signs of stress in women can manifest itself in many ways. It can even present itself differently in women, than it does in men. If you experience any of these physical symptoms, you may even ask yourself, Do I need professional help to alleviate my daily stress? There is no shame in asking for help.
Fatigue and Stress
Women tend to get more tired and dizzy, when they are stressed.  According to studies, 51% of people have cited fatigue as a major symptom. Even, sleeplessness is one of the major symptoms, along with worrying about things all the time. This is turn makes them irritable and panicky.
Headaches and Stress
Headaches are experienced by women 44% more than other symptoms if they are stressed. Frequent headaches and migraines are very common. Sticking to a healthy eating and sleeping pattern can help ease the conditions.
Stress and Your Bad Periods
A Harvard study found that highly stressed women are twice as likely to get very painful periods. Your mental turbulence takes a toll on your physical condition and aggravates mood swings, which already are quite common in periods. This also increases the pain and makes you feel miserable.
Stress and A Sweet Tooth
Having a sweet tooth is not always the fault of hormones. Stress might also lead to you craving chocolates and sweet treats. So, if you have been experiencing more than usual liking for sweet things, you might want to get your stress levels under control.
Stress and A Lower Sex Drive
Around 15% of women have felt that a change in their sex drives is a symptom of stress, which is true in every respect. Lower sex drive can be a direct sign of stress, which can be either in your social or personal lives.
Stress and Inflammation
Stress cause inflammation and leads to unexpected pimples and acne. This in turn causes more stressful conditions and affects the mind and self-confidence in a negative way. Stress hives are also common.
Watching for Physical Warning Signs of Stress in Women
Hopefully this list gave you some physical signs to watch out for. Remember, these symptoms aren’t always a sign of stress, but they do typically mean something is going on in your body and it’s worth looking into. Stress can be harmful in any form, so prevent it from taking over your body and soul.
…ignoring a problem won’t make it go away…
Practicing a healthy lifestyle with proper diet, physical exercise, positive thoughts and a better outlook towards life and relationships will lower your overall stress. The more you try to suppress and ignore your stress, the more it decays you from inside.
Find a stress buster – exercise, some play time with your pet or your child, aromatherapy, coloring – anything to help you manage a condition that will literally be the death of you!

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