Buttocks: 4 Tips To Get Rid Of It Forever

 Whether in privacy or at the beach, having pimples on the buttocks can give some intricacies. So, our confidence can take a hit! Contrary to what we sometimes think, hygiene has nothing to do with it. Often, it is the hormones that get tangled with the brushes. And then the heat and sweat added to it make the phenomenon worse! In addition, shaving and waxing can also leave some pimples. If some unsightly buttons have taken up residence on your posterior, here are some tips to quickly get rid of it.





1) All to not stimulate the appearance of pimples on the buttocks


The hygiene of life is a key point against these little pimples. So, just paying attention to certain details will help improve the situation. For all products that come in contact with the skin (laundry, toilet paper …), promote what is neutral, without dye and fragrance as much as possible. Use less fabric softener when cleaning laundry and opt for hypoallergenic laundry.


2) Special care for the clothes you wear


The choice of clothes is essential because synthetic materials or too tight like slim jeans or shorts will cause friction and worsen the situation. On the contrary, prefer loose clothing and underwear, fluid and in natural materials. Indeed, it will be great benefits to let the skin breathe. Thus, cotton will become your best ally! And even if it’s not possible for sports stuff that often has special materials, change quickly and take a quick shower to limit the damage.


3) How to wash buttocks that have buttons?


As for laundry, we favor simple and soft formulas, preferably without perfume, without dye, hypoallergenic and with neutral pH. Dermatological bread or soap-free gel may be suitable. Nevertheless, we can also give a chance to Aleppo soap whose moisturizing, disinfecting and healing properties will calm the skin. In all cases, the cleaning should be followed by a good rinse and a perfect drying by tapping (rub is too aggressive). Drying well will prevent the accumulation of moisture that favors pimples in the folds of the buttocks.


As for the scrub, it is not really recommended. Contrary to popular belief, it may indeed irritate the area even more. This can result in scars or hyperpigmented spots much more unsightly than the button itself! The only exception is the chemical exfoliant based on salicylic or lactic acid that will suit this place.


4) Good hydration and skincare adapted to the pimples on the buttocks


Avoid at all costs to grind your pimples. On the contrary, be very gentle with this area and rely on hydration. A cream based on urea will be very suitable to soften this area and promote its cell renewal. In addition, use benzoyl peroxide to treat pimples effectively. Otherwise, focus on more natural curing solutions. Very soft, the aloe vera gel allows, for example, to moisturize, protect and heal the area pimply. For its part, the clay mask can also be invited on the buttocks and purify its buttons gently. Finally, every night after the shower, a poultice of chamomile can be applied to the back. To do this, soak a cloth with an infusion of 30 g dried chamomile flowers and a liter of water. Then leave for 20 minutes.

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