Rub 3 aspirins in your hair! What happens next is amazing! You must try this!

 Aspirin is amazing and we all use it, right? Well, yes, and in my personal opinion, I really believe that everyone around the world should have aspirin in their medicine cabinets. We usually take this miracle pill when we have a terrible headache, fever or when we notice the first cold symptoms. Aspirin is quite effective as a general analgesic. Other people take it to help with their heart problems and to prevent the formation of blood clots.




Aspirin is extremely effective and useful because of its powerful ingredient: Salicylic acid. Salicylic acid, the active ingredient in aspirin, was first isolated in 1897 by Felix Hoffman, when he worked as a chemist at Bayer. Today, the annual consumption of aspirin reached around 40,000 tons in the world, making it one of the most commonly used drugs.

As I said, you can use aspirin when you have a terrible headache, fever, cold, flu, but did you know that you can use aspirin to fight dandruff? Well, yes, and this simple, but effective trick will make your hair healthy, soft and shiny. Therefore, if you suffer from a scaly, itchy, dry scalp, you should try this simple method. This method is very simple and easy: You just have to crush 2 – 3 powder tablets and mix it with your shampoo. Be sure to leave the shampoo so it sits on the scalp for several minutes before rinsing, this works because the salicylic acid it contains makes it a very strong and effective moisturizing agent. Or try this alternative method instead: Shred 4 – 5 powder pills and add it to your hair mask. You will be surprised by the results.

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