That’s why there are certain blends which can be used to increase our metabolism rate and help us lose those extra pounds. Plus, it will help with digestion too.
These are some of the concoctions that will help you with your metabolism:
- A glass of warm water
- 1 tablespoon of nectar
- A part of a lemon
- A teaspoon of cinnamon
- A teaspoon of cayenne pepper
Put all the ingredients in one glass of water and then blend them together. Drink this tea and you will see how it will increase your absorption and help your digestion.
2. Orange and Banana Smoothie
- A teaspoon of ginger
- A tablespoon of coconut oil
- ½ measure of low-fat yogurt
- Two tablespoons of linseed
- Two tablespoons of whey
- One banana
How to make it?
For this tasty concoction, pour all the ingredients in a blender and then mix it all up so that it turns into a homogenous mixture. Drink it in an empty stomach, preferably in the morning.
3. Organic Smoothie
- Half a glass of water
- Two pineapple cuts
- 2 grapefruits, squeezed
- A few raspberries
How to make it?
Pour all the ingredients in a blender and let it turn into a smooth mixture. Then store it in a refrigerator for 2-3 hours. If you have to come into shape for a wedding or a date, then start having this smoothie every morning.
4. Mint tea
If you already have green tea, then introduce a bit of mint leaves into it. Add 2-3 lemon cuts and then blend them together. Keep the mixture to rest for an entire night and let them mix. Then you can use a strainer and have the blend every morning. In two weeks, you will notice the amazing results.
5. Apple Smoothie
- One teaspoon of nectar
- A little bit of water
- A green apple
- A lemon, squeezed
- A grapefruit
How to make it?
Pour all the ingredients in a blender and let it turn into a delicious smoothie. Then, have it every morning before the morning meal.
6. Chocolate Smoothie
- A bit of Nectar
- ¼ amount of amaranth
- ½ a liter of drain
- ½ amount of oats
- A bit of chocolate powder
Pour all the ingredients in a blender and let it turn into a tasty blend. Then, have it before every meal. You will notice the changes in 2 weeks.
7. Strawberry Smoothie
- Half-liter of drain
- A little bit of yogurt
- ¼ amount of flaxseeds
- ½ a measure of cereal
- A few strawberries
Pour all the ingredients in a blender and mix it well so as to give you a perfect blend. Then have the smoothie on an empty stomach in the morning.
If you are looking to get into shape fast and nothing is working, then use these concoctions to speed up your digestion. It will astonish you within 2 weeks.
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