A Month Before A Heart Attack, Your Body Will Warn You With These 8 Signals

 Prevention is better than cure. This simple rule applies to every illness and is especially valuable if the symptoms are not recognized correctly.




Parents health will describe critical symptoms that can occur a month (or even less) before a heart attack. You don’t have to become a total hypochondriac, but a little health awareness has never hurt anyone. Be careful if you are at risk. Several frequently overlooked indicators are listed at the end of the article.


8. Fatigue


Unusual fatigue is one of the main symptoms indicating an impending heart attack. Women report this type of symptom more often than men.


Description: Physical or mental activity is not the cause of fatigue and it increases until the end of the day. This symptom is quite obvious and will not go unnoticed: Sometimes it is strenuous to perform simple tasks, like making a bed or taking a shower.


7. Abdominal pain


Abdominal pain, nausea with empty/full stomach, feeling full or an upset stomach are some of the most common symptoms. They occur with equal probability in men and women.


Description: Abdominal pain before a heart attack is episodic in nature, lessening and then returning for short periods. Physical tension can worsen the stomach pain.

6. Insomnia


Insomnia is also associated with an increased risk of heart attack or stroke, which is more common in women. The characteristics of insomnia often include a high level of anxiety and distraction.


Description: Symptoms include difficulty falling asleep, difficulty maintaining sleep and early morning awakening.

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