6 Natural Skincare Tips

 This capitals society will definitely have us believing that to look or feel beautiful is an expensive deal. The beauty industry of the world is worth billions of dollars. And everybody around us wants to look picture perfect. Everybody wants to look like they’re Instagrammable and god forbid, if they find themselves not insta-worthy, they can go to any lengths to achieve it. While you cringe over that thought, here’s another fact for you— According to a UK based survey, an average woman spends about 3 hours and 19 minutes every week in front of the mirror, applying makeup(1). Ouch, right? And the beauty industry continues to convince everybody that one needs to spend a lot of time and money in order to look beautiful. What we fail to realize is that we are exposing our skin and bodies to toxic chemicals and products that might cause more harm than healing to it. We urge you to not believe it!





For starters, we need to get back to the real idea or meaning behind the word ‘beauty.’ Isn’t beauty all about nurturing the real person within you? It’s certainly not about hiding your flaws. If at all you think there’s a need to define your features, we suggest you go au naturel. You know peeps, there are a lot of ways, natural ways out there which will help you thank your beauty. It will make you look your best, beautiful self, and you don’t really have to spend your hard-earned money for it. Here’s a list of few of those natural skincare tricks that will help you feel and look beautiful. Read on.


1. Say Goodbye To Puffy Eyes With Tea Bags



You can choose your favorite tea bag for this. Just make sure you don’t opt for the ones with spices in them. You don’t want to burn your eyes, do you? Our picks would be black, chamomile, or green tea bags. Soak them into a cup of hot water for a minute. Take them out and let them chill in a freezer. Once they’ve been chilled, remove the tea bags and place them over your eyelids. Leave this on for 15-20 minutes and then remove and relax. The tea bags will reduce the puffiness and tighten the skin around the eyes.


2. Get Natural Face Lifts With Yoga



We know that facelifts are in the vogue now. And there aren’t many who would shy away from undergoing cosmetic procedures for the same. But did you know that you can get a facelift naturally too? Before you start wondering how, the answer lies in yoga. Surprised, right? So were we! Doing inverted postures improves blood circulation throughout your body and helps to give your face that vitality and the much needed, extra lift. The “downward dog” pose where you get down on your hands and knees on the floor, and slowly straighten your legs is supposed to be the best for facelifts. Another yoga pose would be to simply bend and touch your toes. Hold the position 1-3 minutes and relax.


3. Eat Wild Salmon To Keep Sun Damage Away



There is an antioxidant present in our body called astaxanthin which protects our skin from the harmful damage caused by UV rays of the sun. This antioxidant acts as a legit internal sunblock in humans. And guess what, it is found in abundance in seafood like krill, shrimp, salmon, lobster, crayfish, and crabs. Astaxanthin is also available in the form of supplemeWe recommend wild salmon as the best way to keep your internal sunblock game strong (2).


4. Use Shea Butter To Nourish And Hydrate Lips



We are so used to picking up chapsticks that contain ingredients like petroleum jelly, mineral oil, and oxybenzone( which is hormone-disrupting in nature). Replace these with the much natural shea butter (cocoa butter) and coconut oil. All you have to do is mix both in equal parts and use it. You can always store this mixture in airtight containers. There’s nothing like natural nourishment to your lips.


5. Make Use Of Micronutrients For Natural Glowing Skin



How does skin repair itself? It requires certain micronutrients that constitute of vitamins and minerals. Among them, zinc, vitamin C and vitamin A are some of the important nutrients that we need to consume in the form of food or supplements (3). Doing so will ensure that our skin is supplied with the necessary nutrients to keep it healthy. Additionally, skin diseases like eczema, acne, and premature aging is kept at bay when the skin is supplemented with the essential nutrients.


6. Use Almond Oil To Cleanse Your Skin



We agree that foamy cleansers feel good on our skin. But they aren’t doing any good to your skin, in fact, they’re ripping away your skin’s natural texture. It’s always a good idea to ditch the soap bars and switch to liquid soap instead. If you are wondering which natural cleanser to choose? Almond oil is the answer. This natural oil soothes your skin while doing the work of a cleanser. The vitamins present in almond oils cleans our skin cells, smoothens our skin, and protects it from UV damage. No wonder, almond oil is considered as a popular beauty oil (4).


Natural skincare is the best way to go when caring for your skin. So, ditch those expensive skincare treatments and try these natural skincare tricks. All you have to do is find the problem and pick a suitable natural solution for it. Which is your favorite natural skincare trick? Let us know in the comments below.

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